Roz Marketing - July/August 2023

Food for Thought A Moment Like This

Have you ever had a moment, like a vacation, party, or even a business meeting, turn out better than you planned? We’ve all had moments like these, but for the most part, we’re lucky if what we’re planning turns out as good as we hope. Let’s face it, Murphy’s law happens all the time. This past June, Roz Strategies held its first in-person Founder’s Mastermind event at Walt Disney World in Orlando. (As a side note, Platinum Mastermind members were also invited, but they already meet in person three times a year.) It took over a year to plan, and there were a lot of details involved, but when it was over, Michael, our team, and I realized it turned out better than we imagined. As a little background, I titled the event The Magical Marketing Experience. I had seen someone lead “behind the scenes” tours at Disney World with other entrepreneurs, and I’ve always wanted to go on one of these tours. Then I thought, “Wouldn’t this be fun to do with our Founder’s Mastermind group?”It was the end of April 2022. Michael was working on his May six-hour training for our Founder’s group that’s held virtually in our studio we had built during the pandemic. We had been meeting virtually for two years, and I told Michael, “Let’s create a bonus for the following year where we can all meet in person.” At first, Michael was hesitant — taking over 100 people on

tour to Walt Disney World is no easy feat. Creating experiences, events, and fun is what I love doing the most, so I won. I got to work, and Dave Dee, who works with us on a lot of our events, recommended the premier Disney tour guide, Andrew Lock, who also wrote a book called, “Walt’s Way.” One thing led to another, and the next thing you know, we’d booked him. Andrew recommended the Swan and Dolphin Resort on the Disney property. I negotiated a reasonable room rate for our guests and a few other things. After the contracts were signed, I was assigned a Disney concierge to help me with buying tickets, etc. My project manager, Ruthie, made the planning more fun, as we worked side-by-side on this event. A month before the event, I sent everyone a copy of “Walt’s Way.”Two weeks before, we sent out luggage tags with a picture of Mickey Mouse from “Fantasia” and the name of our company, event, and group. It all sounds so simple! The fact of the matter is that it’s a lot of work to host an event, and Michael and I had overbooked our 2023 work schedule, and along with an illness of a loved one and other life occurrences, we felt overwhelmed. We also felt like the show must go on. So, away we went with our entire staff off to Orlando.

We met over a hundred of our Founder’s Mastermind members in person the night before the tour at our check-in, meet-and-greet cocktail hour. It was great to meet in person names we all knew and faces we’d seen on the screen. The day of the tour, gathering and grouping 100 people and getting everyone over to Epcot, it all worked out perfectly. Although there were three thunderstorms during the day, the guides had passed out plastic ponchos! We also walked over 7 miles. The last day was in the conference room with Andrew doing a presentation on how everyone could use Disney marketing in their businesses, Michael went through some exercises and worksheets, and Dave Dee ended the program teaching his Bridges exercise. The real magic happened afterward, when we saw people posting in the Facebook group all they learned and what they were going to implement in their lives and businesses. The event ended on a high note. When planning anything in life, I stay out of the results. Many people say to “visualize” your success, and I’m aware of what I want my success to be, but I’ve realized when I don’t paint the entire picture of an outcome, it leaves room for the picture to paint itself better than I’ve dreamed of. This leads me back to you. My question for you is this: What are you planning in your life that you would like to be better than you imagined? Go for it, don’t hesitate to create some magic in your life, and instead of visualizing it all, just see what better you’ve imagined turns out to be. For my Founder’s and Platinum Mastermind members, see you all next May 2024 in Universal Studios, Hollywood! FYI, we won’t be walking 7 miles. –Roslyn Rozbruch

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