Roz Marketing - July/August 2023

Congratulations to R.C. Thornton for hitting the six-figure mark and closing $109,000 in sales in one month! Kudos to Patrick Noone for sharing he was retained recently for not only following up with a potential client several times but also answering her objections using Roz Strategies methods! Yep, the money is in the follow-up! High-five to Antonio Nava for selling seven cases in one week and receiving $57,250 in fees! Kudos to Randall Brody for putting more time and intention into referral marketing to grow his tax resolution business and sharing he received a $35,000 retainer from a referral source. Way to go, Logan Allec , for bringing your father into your practice and training him to sell cases — but more than that, how great for your father to change his mindset from, “They could just do this themselves,” to feeling great about helping people with their tax debt. Mindset is everything, and there’s no better feeling than helping someone get the IRS off their backs. Congratulations, Len Nelms , on the wedding of your daughter (who also works with you), Chloe Nelms , to Corey Bond . How wonderful! SHOUT

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This experience reminded me that in the tax resolution business (or any business, really), one is the loneliest number. Stuff happens, so as business owners, we always need backups. You can’t rely on one internet connection, one line of credit with your bank, or one customer to be your main source of revenue. Instead, you need multiple networks, multiple income streams, and multiple marketing strategies to operate successfully. It’s not a matter of IF something will stop working, but WHEN it will stop working. It could happen for a good reason or for no reason at all! One thing I teach the tax professionals in our Founder’s Mastermind is how to layer their marketing strategies. This is vital because, in my experience, successful practitioners in the tax resolution business have 5–7 marketing campaigns working simultaneously at all times. That’s what it takes to be “everywhere” — on your prospect’s Facebook feed, on their radio, in their mailbox, etc. — and ensure all boats rise in the harbor. The Founder’s Mastermind also offers another perk: multiple perspectives on your business. You can grow your business faster with wisdom from many directions, just like you can bring in more leads with many marketing campaigns. Members of the Founder’s Mastermind get that wisdom through immersion experiences covering technical training, marketing, and sales; quarterly Hot Seat sessions; private coaching calls with yours truly; and more.

The opportunity to join our Founder’s Mastermind is coming up in just a few weeks at the Virtual Tax Resolution Success Summit (Thursday, Aug. 24–Saturday,

Aug. 26). The summit is packed with other opportunities, too, like a chance to hear from Diamond Dallas Page (aka DDP), a WWE Hall of Fame wrestler and the owner of DDPYoga Fitness. Scan the QR code to grab your ticket! –Michael Rozbruch

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