Your Crescendo Proposal to Troup County Center for Strtateg…

Maryanne Lovejoy Executive Director TROUPE COUNTY CENTER FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING, INC. 100 Ridley Ave, Suite 2200 LaGrange, GA 30240

crescendo n. (kre-shen-do) 1 a gradual increase; specifically: a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage 2 the peak of a gradual increase. Your Crescendo is your growth. Your increase in volume. Your peak. We find it highly appropriate to carry the name of what we are commited to. Your Crescendo. About Your Crescendo We are on a mission is to empower purpose and impact for leaders and talent in their business performance, leadership and careers.

Maryanne - Thank you for the opportunity to propose development of the strategic plan for TROUPE COUNTY CENTER FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING, INC. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning more about your work, history and approach and am elated at the prospect of facilitating development of your future trajectory and path forward. We see this as a compelling opportunity to empower your mission and purpose by engaging your board, leadership and county wide stakeholder in its affirmation of purpose while developing a strong plan to deliver on its promise. We’re excited to share how we might best be able to bring our services to bear for your forward progress. It is our understanding that you are at a critical juncture in the trajectory of your organization requiring clarity of purpose, vision and a road map as you prepare to recast your strategic plan forward and mobilize your leadership, board and stakeholders on a common game plan. As a business coach and consultant focused on purpose for organizations, I am most excited when I’m able to share the corporate and professional experiences we’ve amassed for organizations of noble andnoteworthymissions like yours. Your Crescendo is committed toenablingorganizations to deliver on their purpose. Your vision and mission to “work jointly and in a coordinated way in fostering balanced and healthy economic environmental and social development for all citizens, business and institutions” is compelling and inspiring both in its clarity and its opportunity for impact. We are excited to start a process that takes the momentum of your current work to clarify and restate that purpose and articulate a plan to deliver on it. Our approach to strategic articulation flows from clarity of purpose leading to waterfall development of elements of the plan. From purpose to vision to differentiators to strategic priorities to critical initiatives; we work through highly engaged and carefully facilitated discussions with the inner circle of stakeholders to collaboratively build a strategic articulation map. This deliverable serves as a guide for all stakeholders to support decisions, assess priorities, confirmgoals and action items by connecting them to vision snapshots and provide ‘one version of the truth’ in terms of where we are headed.

We propose to facilitate an approach that flows through three phases of work.

Phase I: Finding Your Forte - Stakeholder Assessment We will conduct interviews, surveys and facilitate focus groups as most appropriate across your stakeholder populations to understand current state, stakeholder impact and develop a baseline for the plan to work from. Phase II: Composing your Masterpiece - Strategic Articulation Facilitation Through a series of cumulative modules that build strategic planning elements on each other, we will take our internal stakeholders through a carefully facilitated series of modules that will ultimately articulate Troupe County’s path forward. We will bring our Strategic Articulation Map approach as a starting point and adapt it through planning conversations with your board and leadership. Phase III: Play Your Crescendo - Strategic Articulation Map Development Develop the strategic articulation deliverable that will guide our journey forward. This experience includes the professional fees for the facilitation, stakeholder assessments and the final deliverable. Thank you for the opportunity to engage you and your team. We look forward to your response, our progress and your impact.

Reggie Hammond, Your Crescendo Founder and Managing Partner Launched 2011 Career Highlights Accenture (Ohio and Atlanta) 1991 – 2005 Exervio Management Consulting Atlanta Office Lead (Vice- President) 2005 – 2011 Purpose To get the world on purpose with impact. Passion Empowering others performance through their gifts and purpose

Reggie Hammond Your Crescendo



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