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Ontario’s transportation ministry is running into opposition from two may- ors over a rehabilitation plan for the Hawkesbury overpass connection for County Road 17 and Highway 34. Mayors Paula Assaly of Hawkesbury and /PSNBOE3JPQFMPG$IBNQMBJO5PXOTIJQ oppose the ministry’s proposal for traffic safety reasons. They warned ministry staff and officials for Jacobs Dillon Consulting, the Ottawa firm in charge of the project design, that they will take the matter straight to the regional head office if changes are not made. i8FOFFEUPUBMLTPNFNPSF u.BZPS Assaly said. “Otherwise we’re going to ,JOHTUPOu i*XJMMPQQPTFUIJTQSPKFDU uTBJE.BZPS 3JPQFMi*UTBTBGFUZJTTVFu #PUI"TTBMZBOE3JPQFMFYQSFTTFEDPO - cerns following a presentation March 13 UPUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM 6$13 DPVODJMPOUIF)BXLFTCVSZ#SJEHF 3FQMBDFNFOUQSPKFDU The Hawkesbury Bridge and Highway 34 0WFSQBTTGPSUIF$/3MJOFBSFBHJOHBOEOFFE replacing. The new structure would have a 75-year lifespan but the plan for the highway connections would see the present curving east and west on-ramps from Highway 34 UP$PVOUZ3PBECFDPNF5JOUFSTFDUJPOT at the bridge. #PUI NBZPST FYQSFTTFE GFBS UIBU BT Hawkesbury continued to grow and the

Le raccordement du pont de Hawkesbury pour la route de comté 17 et le passage supérieur de l’autoroute 34 pour la ligne du CN près de Hawkesbury approchent tous deux de la fin de leur durée de vie. Le ministère des Transports et une firme d’experts-conseils d’Ottawa ont un plan en tête pour remplacer les deux structures afin de perturber le moins possible la circulation locale. Mais les maires de Hawkesbury et du canton de Champlain craignent qu’un détail du plan de conception du nouveau pont proposé cause des accidents de la circulation.. —photo Gregg Chamberlain i4FFJGBDPNQSPNJTFDBOCFBDIJFWFE u Kirby said.

BNPVOUPGUSBGàDJODSFBTFEPO$PVOUZ3PBE 17, those T-intersections would become serious traffic hazards for both regular pas- senger vehicles and heavy tractor-trailer transports. “Hawkesbury is not ready to accept the 5JOUFSTFDUJPOT uTBJE.BZPS"TTBMZ “This is not safe. The ramps we have now are good. At the end of the day, in 70 years, we’re going to end up with problems. There’s going to CFBDDJEFOUTUIFSFu #PUI%PVHMBT3BCZBOE5JN%JDLJOTPO of Jacobs Dillon said that project design- FSTXFSFiPQFONJOEFEuBCPVUGFFECBDL

SFDFJWFEBOEDPODFSOTFYQSFTTFEPOUIF project. They said a new online public infor- mation and consultation setup would be in place soon for area residents to view and comment on any changes to the proposed design. They also said the T-intersection design was used at other project sites. #PUI3JPQFMBOE"TTBMZBSHVFEUIBUQMBO - ners should rework their design to keep both the regular on- and off-ramps for the CSJEHF6$138BSEFO3PCFSU,JSCZTVHHFTUFE that the ministry and consultant firm have further discussion meetings with the two municipalities on the issue.

%VSJOHUIFQSFTFOUBUJPOQSPKFDU3BCZBMTP noted that the plan for replacement of the Hawkesbury Bridge and Highway 34 Over- QBTTJTUPVTFBOFXiSBQJEDPOTUSVDUJPOu technique to reduce the amount of highway traffic closure time. The technique involves building the replacement structure close to the original bridge and overpass and “sliding JUJOUPQMBDFPWFSOJHIUPSPWFSBXFFLFOEu rather than go through a long traffic detour and/or single-lane controlled access situa- tion while a new bridge was built.

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