TZL 1459



An employee-first approach

T urnover is contagious. In 2020, Limeade reported that 38 percent of employees have been encouraged to leave with a coworker. Each turnover is estimated to cost a company 20 percent to 33 percent of an employee’s annual salary in lost work time and the hiring and training process of a replacement. Highlighting your commitment to career growth, flexible work options, and open communication will show staff your firm has an employee-first approach.

Danielle Eisenstock, APTD

Employees leave for varying reasons – including a lack of career development and opportunities, work- life imbalance, and a poor relationship with their manager – but many resignations are preventable. If you want to understand why employees are leaving, consider thinking about why others are staying. When you identify these factors, you need to ensure they are accessible to all of your employees and that staff can fully utilize the benefits your company offers. Before you can provide positive benefits – the employees need to stay. The highest percentage of employees leave within the first six months to one year of employment. Highlighting your commitment to career growth and advancement, flexible work options, and managers and firm leaders who are open to communication will

show staff your organization has an employee-first approach to making sure they succeed as much as your firm does. CAREER GROWTH AND ADVANCEMENT. Have you ever been given a task and thought, “Why am I even doing this?” You are not alone. Employees want to find meaning in the work they do and how it fits into the bigger picture. If an employee is great at putting reports together, don’t get stuck in the habit of only going to them to complete this task. Make sure you consider what interests each employee has – and sometimes it’s as simple as asking what they enjoy. Allow employees to experience various opportunities. They may even discover something new they enjoy or



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