Winter Magazine 2023
How can you be sure that the sustainability claims we make are ˧˥˨˦˧˔˕˟˘ʲˊ˘˔˜ˠ˧ˢ˔˩ˢ˜˗˚˥˘˘ˡ˪˔˦˛˜ˡ˚˔ˡ˗ˣ˥ˢ˩˘˧˛˔˧Ѓˡ˔˟ products are made from sustainable materials. Therefore we teamed up with Aware ™ , a traceability platform that makes data public to track and validate the end-to-end impact of sustainable textiles from origin to you. Powered by tracer and blockchain technologies. Fully traceable & block chain ˩˘˥˜Ѓ˖˔˧˜ˢˡ˕ˬʴˊʴ˅ʸ ™
All Iqoniq products have an Aware ™ Virtual ID that gives you complete transparency and the facts of your sustainable choices. The Aware ™ blockchain application is making trusted impact data public and ˔˩˔˜˟˔˕˟˘˙ˢ˥Ѓˡ˔˟˖ˢˡ˦˨ˠ˘˥˦˪˜˧˛˔˦˜ˠˣ˟˘˦˖˔ˡˢ˙˔˄˅˖ˢ˗˘ʡ The data is directly from the makers of the products, the producers. All impact data and the complete journey of each garment are given. Goodbye, murky claims. Hello, crystal clear impact facts!
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