2303045 Centexbel
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As part of our continuous effort to improve working conditions in the supply chain, we ensure all our Iqoniq products are manufactured in production facilities with a valid social audit according to the amfori BSCI auditing framework and Code of Conduct. This framework upholds strict social standards in line with international conventions like the Universal Declaration ˢ˙ʻ˨ˠ˔ˡ˅˜˚˛˧˦˔ˡ˗ʼˡ˧˘˥ˡ˔˧˜ˢˡ˔˟ʿ˔˕ˢ˨˥ ˂˥˚˔ˡ˜˦˔˧˜ˢˡʛʼʿ˂ʜʡ
ˊ˔˧˘˥ʡˢ˥˚˜˦˔˚˟ˢ˕˔˟ˡˢˡʠˣ˥ˢЃ˧ˢ˥˚˔ˡ˜˦˔˧˜ˢˡ working to bring water and sanitation to the world. Water.org believes water is the best investment the world can make to improve health, empower women, enable access to education, increase family income and change ˟˜˩˘˦ʡˌ˘˧ʟlslsʤˠ˜˟˟˜ˢˡˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘˟˔˖˞˔˖˖˘˦˦˧ˢ˦˔˙˘ water. We support water.org by donating 2% of product proceeds of each product sold from the Iqoniq collection.
˂ʸʾ˂ʠˇʸˋ̀ ˆˇʴˁʷʴ˅ʷʤʣʣ˜˦ˢˡ˘ˢ˙˧˛˘˪ˢ˥˟˗Ϡ˦ best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances. ʶ˨˧˧˜ˡ˚˪˔˦˧˘˨˦˘˗˜ˡˢ˨˥˙˔˕˥˜˖˦˜˦ˡˢ˧˖˘˥˧˜Ѓ˘˗ʡ That is why we have all our fabric components tested by an OEKO-TEX® authorised laboratory for harmful substances. Every Iqoniq article is ˂ʸʾ˂ʠˇʸˋ̀ ˖˘˥˧˜Ѓ˘˗ʟ˛˔˥ˠ˟˘˦˦˧ˢ˛˨ˠ˔ˡ˛˘˔˟˧˛ʡ
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