October 2024 Volume 5 Edition 3


What are your leadership roles on campus? At DO, my main leadership role is being one of the presidents of the Outdoor Adventure Club! We get to plan all of the trips the club takes and go on them too! My favorite trip with the club is our backpacking trip up to Island Lake in the Eastern Sierras. I also love going on snowshoeing trips in the winter. I am so looking forward to leading this club and getting more kids outside for another great year of adventures outdoors!

Death Valley Nat’l Park with friends

What are you looking forward to this year as you serve on the Board? I am looking forward to getting a look at how the governing body of the District functions! Attending Board meetings in the past has been super cool to see how the public is able to interact directly with the officials that are making the decisions that govern all of our student lives. I’m super excited to be able to participate more directly and gain insight into what good governance looks like. Also, I really want to help include student voices from all varieties of academic backgrounds in the conversation surrounding PUHSD.

What are your hobbies? Right now I am getting my private pilot’s license, so I basically spend all of my free time at the airport flying! I love to run, play piano, bake, sail, and read. I’ve also recently taken up indoor rock climbing which has been exciting. What is your favorite food? Anything involving capers! I love them on bagels, salad, fish- you name it, I’ll add capers. Where is your favorite vacation destination? Lyon France, Santa Cruz, and Llangollen Wales are definitely up there. What is an interesting fact about you that you'd like to share? I am an undefeated staring contest champion.

California Capital Airshow July 2024

Anything else you'd like to add? I am so excited to represent the DO and

Confluence West student bodies! If you have any feedback/questions/comments, please let me know! My email is delanyc25@puhsd.k12.ca.us

Sailing- Lake Tahoe

Illustrious history as a staring contest winner- circa 2012

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