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Biola College, accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, provides the finest education obtainable. An outstanding faculty of men and women adequately trained along with earnest dedication of heart guide in the spiritual development of the young people. Excellent facilities, such as the impressive new gym nasium, provide a perfect environment for learning. Accredited also by the Collegiate Division of the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, every student, regardless of which one of the 19 majors he takes, will receive 30 units of Bible and doctrine (from two to three times more than most Christian liberal arts colleges re quire) . There can be no compromise when building a life of useful service for Christ whether for the business and professional society, on the mission field or in the ministry.________________
Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home
If you read or teach the Bible you shouldown
Louis T . Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 57, Mo. 5 • MAY, in the year of our Lord 1966 • Established 1910 Articles A SOAP OPERA SLAVE — Elvera Douglass .............................. 12 GOD SHALL REIGN IN Z ION — Charles L. Feinberg ................. 14 LOOK LOOKS A T PIKE — Don W. Hillis .................................. 1« MOTHER'S INFLUENCE — John A. Hubbard ............................ 18 TAKE HOLD OF GOD — Vanee Havner .................................... 19 THE NEW SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE — E. Schuyler English .... 21 WHERE ARE OUR FUTURE CHR IST IAN EDUCATORS? — Roy B. Zuck ............................................................... 23 ARE YOU A MATURE CHR IST IAN ? — Anna Nunemaker .......... 29 A MODERN DAY PARABLE .................................................. 36 HEALING — Keith L. Brooks .................................................. 38 LIV ING LIKE IN D IA N S — Wes Harty ..................................... 40 SUMM ER CAM P REVIEW ......................................................... 44 features MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ............ 4 OVER THE COFFEE CUP — Joyce Landorf ................................ 10 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ................... 27 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore ............................ 28 CHR IST IAN WORKERS'C L IN IC ................................................ 31 BOOK REVIEWS ...................................................................... 32 SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ....................... 34 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ....................................... 35 JUNIOR K ING 'S BUSINESS ...................................................... 42 Columns PEOPLE IN THE NEW S ........... 6 READER REACTION ................................................... ............. 7 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE .................................................... 11 — All Rights Reserved —
Unger's BIBLE HANDBOOK by Merrill F. Unger, Th.D., Ph.D.
This BRAND NEW book is indispens able for those who read and study the Bible. Here in one compact volume is a treasury of biblical truth, a companion to Bible study, an encyclopedia of infor mation, and a comprehensive guide to understanding the Scriptures. UNGER'S BIBLE H AN D BO O K is literally a library of important biblical data, based on the most recent archaeological dis coveries and the finest evangelical schol arsh ip—a mountain o f facts at your fingertips. VALUABLE FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN . . student, minister, teacher, and interested layman. Compact, easy-to-use handbook size Special C. % Introductory C Price d r 960 pages, 4H" x 7Ve" $ Q 9 5 r H9S
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor BILL EHMANN: Coordinator
PAUL SCHWEPKER: Treasurer JAMES BRAMER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRGINIA LUBER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker MEMBER EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'The King's Business/'
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, California 90017.
Now Available at Bookstores MOODY PRESS Chicago, Illinois 60610
MAY, 1966
" ^luuKfUt-pAio-uolzeAA" ta ilim u la le yauA . daily GU>uAÌiatt ¿¿nitty
a message from m t h e editor Ä
A Report on Recent Developments at the San Francisco Theological Seminary
THIS WAY TO THE CROSS C. A. Roberts. Examines six ways of life whose combined end result was the crucifixion of Christ: The Way of Peter— Cowardice; The Way of Judas—Materialism; The Way of the Multitude— Silence; etc. These ways of life are still in operation. Perhaps you will find your life mirrored here and be chal lenged to examine the cross as though you were there— as though the crucifixion were today and the decision were yours to make. $1.95
S T I L L E X I S T S S o m e w e e k s a g o there appeared in the secular press a news item to the effect that the President o f San Francisco Theological Semi nary had been granted a leave o f absence " fo r health reasons.” It may be recalled that he has been a frequent storm center in theological circles because o f his unorthodox views concerning certain tenets o f our Christian faith, his advocacy o f homosexual practices and his recommendation o f pornographic literature. His position on the last two subjects was revealed in a publication entitled The Challenge, in the spring o f 1965, put out by the stu dents o f the theological seminary which he heads. This publication has been referred to in previous editorials o f The King's Business (August and October, 1965). The Challenge magazine was brought to the attention o f the Standing Committee on Theological Seminaries at the 1965 meet ing o f the General Assembly o f the United Presbyterian Church o f America. At that time the matter was treated lightly, dis missed with the comment that it was unfortunate such a docu ment had appeared. The Seminary and the President o f the Semi nary were completely white-washed with but a mild slap on the wrist. It was presumed the matter was closed; apparently the mat ter was not closed! Now the President has been given a leave o f absence, " fo r health reasons.” Rumors are floating about to the effect that he will never be put back into that significant position again, that his leave o f absence will become permanent. Appar ently also it is presumed that by his removal from office all will be at peace and rest within the Seminary and, indeed, within the Presbyterian Church. The tragic part o f it all is that the situation is not in the least resolved.
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A number o f articles, all o f which were in a similar vein as that referred to above, appeared in the San Francisco Seminary student publication. There have been no repudiations whatsoever on the part o f students, faculty, board o f directors or denominational leaders o f the position taken by the President o f the Seminary and those who were directly responsible for the material published in The Challenge. This practically forces one to the conclusion that the ideas expressed in the paper were acquiesced in by these vari ous groups connected with the Seminary. This automatically puts every student who graduates from the school under suspicion as being either a homosexual himself or one who is sympathetic toward that utterly devilish, degrading practice. There certainly must be many serious doubts among an appreciable number o f the Lord’s people who belong to Presbyterian churches which sup port the Seminary and those which may be considering the calling o f a graduate o f the Seminary as pastor or as Director o f Christian Education to serve their churches. It is deeply disturbing to con sider that very possibly such a young man, attractive and promis ing though he may appear, has lurking in the back o f his mind the possibility o f leading unwary young people into these sexual devia tions. Surely if there were deep-seated convictions on the part o f the Seminary against this hellish practice it is our considered judgment that, in fairness to all concerned, they should repudiate it with all o f the vehemence at their command and assure their Christian public that they are not in sympathy with this revolting business; that they are doing everything possible to purge the Seminary o f its influence and practice and that they ask God’s people everywhere to pray earnestly that, once again, the Semi nary may train and graduate young men who are sound in doc trine, holy in life and committed to the preaching and teaching o f the great doctrines o f our historic Christian faith which, indeed, are doctrines o f the historic Presbyterian Church. Until such a ringing declaration is given, there will inevitably remain in the minds o f Christian people everywhere the haunting thought that there, at least, is a seed-bed o f sex perversion. It’s time for a thor ough house-cleaning! One always regrets that a person must lay down his work because o f ill health. If this is actually the case, certainly everyone wishes the President o f San Francisco Theological Seminary a speedy recovery to health and strength and active .service. Many people doubtless will be praying that during this time o f semi- retirement the Lord will speak to his heart and bring to his remem brance the wonderful truths found in the inspired Word o f God, the only infallible rule o f faith and practice. But if this is only a subterfuge to remove an embarrassment to the Seminary, alas, the ends sought have not been achieved for the unsavory odor lingers on. It is a most lamentable way to try to remedy such an extremely serious situation. The great Presbyterian Church, so far as its historic position is concerned, deserves much better and more noble treatment than this.
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MAY, 1966
IF you have ever wished you could organize your Bible studies or IF you have ever wanted an easy way to quickly re-locate Scripture on subjects of your choice, without notes, The QuiKEY INDEXING RULER for BIBLE MARKING is what you have been looking for. Attractive GIFT BOX includes: 1. FINE PEN with special ink for Bible marking 2. INDEXING RULER, full instructions (so simple) 3. BIBLE STUDY HELPS See your Christian Book Store or ORDER TODAY from The QuiKEY Line 707 East 39th Place, Eugene 15, Oregon
Dr. Roy Zuck, executive director of Scripture Press F ounda tion , was among speakers at a Youth Seminar on Christian Education Vocations held recently at the Scripture Press headquarters in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The purpose of the all-day Saturday program was to acquaint high school and college young people with voca tional opportunities in C h r is tian education, camp leaders, children’s workers, curriculum journalists, edu cational m is s ion a r ie s , etc. Other speakers at the Seminar were Dr. Bernice Cory, Dr. Mary LeBar, Dr. Clate Risley and Rev. Jim Johnton.
placed and dispossessed mountain tribes in Viet Nam’s Central High lands. The World Vision projects al so include the sponsorship of-Viet namese orphans, support for a Chris tian widows’ home near Danang, the provision o f w h ee lcha irs and crutches for Vietnamese war ampu tees, the care of blind students, the shipping of tons of relief goods and medical supplies, and the construc tion of a “ Christian Embassy” in Saigon with offices for other Chris tian organizations in addition to World Vision’s own warehousing and administrative center. Rev. Earl H. King, president of Indo- Burma Pioneer Mission, dedicated the Mission’s 24-bed Sielmat Chris tian Hospital recently in Manipur, northeast India. Dr. Laltuoklien Sinate, the medical officer, treated over 10,000 out-patients while the build ing was being constructed last year. The new hospital building is donated by the women’s missionary society of the Wheaton Evangelical Free Church, Wheaton, Illinois. Besides the healing of the body, many souls have been won to the Lord. “ Medi cine is a magnet in the mission field. It has drawn people to us who, other wise, would never be reached with the Gospel,” declared Rochunga Pu- 4aire, the Mission director. Dr. Billy Graham recently held a cru sade at the Textile Hall in Green ville, South Carolina. Pictured be low, a young boy looks over part of the 21,500 people who packed the hall during the first Sunday after noon service. Approximately 70,000 people attended the first three serv ices of the Billy Graham Southern Piedmont Crusade. Massive crowds have caused officials to announce double services for the final five days of the meetings. It is the first time Graham has ever held two nightly services back-to-back in any meet ing in the United States.
CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship RADIO M IN ISTRY: Broadcasting The Gospel in Telugu
Member I.F.M.A. Write for Free Literature 107-K North Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187
Rev. Henry Harvey, formerly associate d ir e c t o r o f the Christian Medical S o c ie ty o f Oak Park, Illinois, has been elected presi dent o f Compas sion, Inc., to suc ceed th e late Dr. E ve re tt Sw an son . founder. Compas
M I S S I O N S If you have a burden for the -lost, more then one hundred million souls in spanish-speaking countries south of the Mexican border beckon to you. Most of these can be reached thru the film ministry. Amazing results being accom plished by missionaries and organizations using this technique. For particulars write: A. W. Pitts 161 E. Orangethorpe No. 72 Placentia, Calif. 92670
Rev. Harvey
sion maintains 170 Christian or phanage homes, w ith more than 22,000 children in its care. Rev. Har vey brings to his new responsibility a wide experience as missionary, ad ministrator, businessman and pastor. Rev. George Sweeting, currently the pastor of the Madison Avenue Bap tist Church in Paterson, New Jer sey, has recently accepted the call to become pastor of Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Sweeting has had successful and fruitful pastoral ministries in New England and New Jersey and has been engaged in evangelistic and B ib le conference work in many areas of the United States as well as Europe. Besides his gifts as an outstanding and capable preacher and Bible teacher, he has the additional gifts as a Gospel artist and musician. Dr. Sweeting and his family will settle in the Chicago area around mid-summer. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., has announced a ten- point aid program for his organiza tion in Viet Nam. It includes the construction of a “ Halfway House” for Vietnamese war amputees, the establishment of a "Children’s City” for orphans, the building of refugee centers in three critical areas and the launching of a Christian Voca tional and Agricultural T ra in in g School for the young people of dis
U S E B I B L E T R A C T S by Evangelist Paul J. Levin
Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are appealing in color, art and printing. Ask for "God and Y ou/' "Memorial Stones" and "2 Kinds of Death." BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-K Waterloo, Iowa
E U R O P E H O L Y E A N D DELUXE TOUR Departs OCT. 3, '66— THREE WEEKS with DAV ID l i . THIESEN Noted Christian Business Man & Tour Guide $ 10 9 5 from Chicago Write: CLIFF GOTAAS TRAVEL, Dept. KB-E5 RUSHING TO RUSSIANS g with the Gospel for 32 years. We need financial help to continue operating our Russian Bible Insti tute in S.A. — only one in the world. Write us for FREE Gospel News magazine. Send donations to: I S L A V IC G O S P E L A S S O C IA T IO N Pator Deyneka, General Director | Dept. K, 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647^ 7 W. Madison St., Chicago 60602 Phone: Area Code 312 CE 6-2225
sieaxUsi steacUoH
APPRECIATION We are grateful for the article per taining to my father’s Homegoing, and not only appreciate this tribute to his memory and ministry, but also value this means of enlisting the prayer sup port o f your readers fo r us as we carry on. I know that my father had a special regard for you, and the min istries o f the Bible Institute o f Los An geles, and was pleased at the additional outreach you gave his messages within the pages o f your magazine. Thank you for your interest and thoughtfulness. Richard W. DeHaan, Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan EDITORIALS The last two issues of T he K ing ’ s B usiness have carried editorials that call fo r favorable comment. The Janu ary article titled, “ Morals and Movies,” represents a courageous confrontation with an industry that, for box office purpose, is, by its own admission, shot through with suggestiveness and ob scenity. I am sure that you recognize the February editorial, “ A Light at Mid night,” to be representative o f a posi tion that is considered, in contemporary religious circles, a bit “ antiquated” and “ obscurantist.” Our day o f negotiated theology in a climate of tolerance might be surprised to find that the New Tes tament still holds the spiritual g ift of “ discernment” on a level o f rather high priority (I Cor. 12:10 and I John 4 :1 ). God bless you in your stand. The growth o f Biola indicates that there are still people who appreciate a deci sive word on these matters. Gordon R. Fredeen, Redeemer Covenant Church, Orangevale, California NO MONEY Dr. Narramore is wrong when he says the teacher should get the money for the good grade (February 1966, page 26) instead o f the student who earned it. There are too many teach ers now who give good grades so that they will get nice presents from the parents. Some o f these same parents are the ones who are big shots in the church. They are, in my estimation, just plain old hypocrites. A Disgusted Reader, Spokane, Washington E ditor ’ s N ote : We are very grateful to our many watchful readers who called attention to an advertisement which unfortunately slipped by our copy desk without being deleted. We can assure those who have written, as well as any who may have questioned the statement appearing in this adver tisement, that T he K ing ’ s B usiness would not knowingly carry such infor mation. We are always thankful for the comments, suggestions and criti cisms of readers, and particularly in reference to this unfortunate occur rence.
Abandoned children, such as this frightened and hopeless little waif, look to America for help. In our 170 Orphanage Homes are more than 22,000 boys and girls—and many o f them have no sponsors. THEY NEED YOUR HELP-NOW! Providing nourishing food, shelter, adequate clothing and much-needed medical care—is a tremendous task. And for this we desperately need your help ! We appeal to compassionate hearts to sponsor one or more o f these needy orphans. The cost is only $10 a month—that’s about 33c a day. Winning the Orphans for Christ! And while we’re caring for their physical needs, we’ re sur rounding them with an atmosphere o f Christian love, pointing them day by day, even in their early years, to the need o f Jesus Christ in their lives. What an opportunity for you, and for us, to evangelize. Here in Korea is a mission field where prayer fully you can look for direct evidence o f results for your stewardship. Become a mission-minded, sponsor-partner with us today. Mail coupon and we’ll send you the photo and life story o f your orphan—and you’ll start the blessings flowing your way. SELECT ONE OF THE ORPHANS PICTURED
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Dept. K56 7774 Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compassion of Canada, Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario
□ Please send folder "How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan."
MAY, 1966
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A tribute to daughters
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O f all the joys of motherhood, That give your heart a whirl; There's really nothing to com pare, W ith just a little girl. A little girl with pretty curls, A nd shining, laughing eyes; Can bring a mother happiness, That money never buys. Now daughters do not stay the same, In age, or stage, or size; A nd each day for a mother, Brings a new and fresh sur prise. One day a daughter cares for things, Like frills, and dolls, and toys; The next she thinks of differ ent things; Like cars, and sports— A N D BOYS! To lead her daughter in God's truth; Is mothers' special task, And so wise mothers seek the help, O f God, W h o bids us ask. So now to daughters we ex tend, Our tribute and this prayer: "T h a t God may bless you every one, A nd keep you in H is care." — Roger F. Campbell
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CovenantRetirement Centers are more than superb retirement com munities. They are a way of life. They offer custom-designed retire ment plans tof it individual needs featuring beautifully appointed suites and semi-suites. They provide complete active retirement service with companionship, recre ation, security and independence within a Christian environment. Covenant Village NORTHBROOK % Mr. Harvey E. Anderson 2745 Techny Road ■Northbrook, Illinois Covenant Palms M IAM I % Mr. Victor Person 8400 N.W. 25th Avenue ■Miami, Florida Mount Miguel Covenant Village SAN DIEGO % Rev. G. Marian Enns 325 Kempton Street »Spring Valley, California Hearthstone Manor FOLSOM % Mr. L. Dow Coffman 6700 Oak Avenue «Folsom, California Mountain View Covenant Center DENVER p r o p o se d Applications are available topersons ofvarying economic levels. Informa tion is available by writing the center of your choice.
Bishop A. W. Goodwin Hudson "Many would say that prayerlessness was the root-cause of the present failure of the Church in Britain to influence the Nation’s life. The causes are many. Certainly, the more praying there is in a Nation, the better that Nation will be. Prayer could "clear the air”, rid us of our infections, destroy the apathy of the times, and for us in England, bring the cause of Christ success this June in the Greater London Crusade. We look hopefully to Christians be yond our shores to pray with us.” Rev. Maurice A. P. Wood, D.S.C. M.A. “If thousands of Christians in this Country and overseas focused their prayers on this Crusade, great things will happen. God answers the prayer of His believing people. Strong prayer support will produce lasting spiritual results. I know that Dr. Graham will seek to come to this Crusade in total dependence upon God, and with a fresh consecration of his powers to the service of Christ his Saviour. We ordinary Christians in our thousands, therefore, must play our part in the bearing of such a prayer responsibility, as will release mighty spiritual forces in the summer of ’66.”
beginnig JUNE1andconti uing throughJULY2— meetingsat EARLS COURT,London
k kl
Thousands will be reached through large screen television in auditoriums in Manchester, Newcastle, Southampton and other cities throughout Great Britain
MAY, 1966
M o t h e r ’ s D a y in my own home was a joke, a farce, before I became a Christian mother. Oh yes, we all went through the motions of celebrating a happy “Mother’s Day,” but I knew too well just what kind of a mother I really was, so I was al ways a little relieved when the day was over. Most of the year I felt my children were certainly a hindrance to my singing career and a real hardship on my physical health, not to mention my nerves—and all those diapers! Everything changed when I be came a Christian, especially my atti tude. I began to look at our children as the most precious and rewarding re sponsibility of my life. To think that God would entrust their lives to me is still a source of wonder! To real ize that to train our dear children in the way they should go takes every ounce of brains, talent and stamina that I can muster, plus James 1:5! I know too that I can never again say, in a tired, bored voice, “ I’m just a mother!” I can recall vividly the day I talked with a girl who was expecting. I asked, “ Oh, is this your first baby?” “ I hope so,” she answered. I ques tioned, “ You hope so?” “ Yes,” she said, “ I have had seven miscarriages so far and I pray this baby makes it.” I hugged our children a little tighter that night even though it was after I picked up the glass Laurie had broken and after I settled a small fight with Rick. I can recall last Mother’s Day when two of our children celebrated with me and one tiny brother smiled down from Heaven’s railing. I think my heart ached, not so much from missing him, but from the knowledge that everywhere in the world are women who have never given birth or reared a child, women who have never felt that breathless bit of won der when that baby is placed, for the very first time, in her arms. I thought of my friend, who longed so to be a mother, who would have been so good at it, but who never was able to bear any children. I asked her about her thoughts on Mother's Day. These are the four lines she wrote back in reply: “ Her beautiful home is proper and neat, There’s never a thing out of place, And yet her heart aches for a small cluttered room And a soft chubby hand on her face.” Dear Lord, help me, when it is very difficult to be the mother I should be, to remember these words,
and think what it would be without my little ones.
My mother is so nervous and "jittery" all the time. M y mother's love is "smother-love." M y mother doesn't guide— she dictates. M y mother never compliments me — she only compares me. M y mother allows me no privacy. M y mother is never at home. M y mother never agrees with my father on discipline. M y mother is jealous of my friends; she clings to me. M y mother wants me to be like her, and I want to be me. M y mother never says "I'm sorry," even when she's wrong. M y mother doesn't care how she looks. M y mother is always at church, but I don't see results at home. Although your task as a mother is an extremely difficult one, the Holy Spirit can open your heart to His promptings and give you wisdom as you seek God's guid ance. Mrs. Ruth Calkin welcomes readers’ questions.
Dear Ruth: I find it increasingly difficult to com municate with my teen-age daughter. I long for a healthy, congenial relation ship, but there are so many barriers between us. How can I melt them down ? Dear Mrs. B.: A s you prayerfully take inventory of your relationship with your daughter, it may help you to know the “complaints about mothers" most frequently expressed by teen-age daughters: M y mother is so easily shocked I just can't confide in her. M y mother doesn't really want to know what I think and feel.
. . . a talented performer, experi enced in dramatics, as a composer, pianist-vocalist, and as a recording artist. Joyce Landorf also finds com plete satisfaction in her role as an enterprising housekeeper, mother, and wife of a successful business man
I. The Pessimist 1. He limits the City of God to the narrowest possible boundaries. 2. Sometimes he fears that he will not enter; at other times he doubts all others but himself. 1. He makes the City of God coin cide with his shibboleth. 2. He would have all others fol low his creed. 1. He measures others by his own inner experiences. 2. He is apt to refuse to consider as Christian those who have not experienced the same doubts, fears, and ecstasies as himself. 1. He builds his walls around the entire race. It is not for us to fix the boundaries o f salvation. We have no right to in clude in the holy city those who know not God. But there will be a multitude o f the saved which no man can number, out of every nation and o f all tribes, peoples, and tongues. They will be as numerous as stars in the midnight sky or sand grains on the seashore. — F. B. Meyer PAUL'S FAREWELL TO THE ELDERS OF EPHESUS Acts 20:17-38 1. Paul’s evangelistic zeal (vs. 18- 27 ) . 2. Paul’s pastoral faithfulness (v. 28 ) . 3. Paul’s prophetical warning (vs. 29, 30). 4. Paul’s unreserved surrender (vs. 31-35). 5. Valedictory scenes (vs. 36-38). CHRIST— THE REVELATION OF GOD I. God Is Invisible (Ex. 33:20; John 1:18; Col. 1:15; 1 Tim. 6:16; 1 John 4:12). II. The Son Reveals the Father (John 1:18 — “ declared,” i.e., “ shown forth” ; Col. 1:15; 2 :9 ; Heb. 1:2, 3). III. To See Christ Is to See God (John 12:45; 14-8, 9). IV. Practical Application. 1. The redeemed expect to see Christ sitting in His Father’s throne (Rev. 3:21; 22:4). 2. The lost will see Christ’s face in judgment (Jude 14, 15; Rev. 1 :7 ; 6 :1 6 ,1 7 ). — Ralph H. Didier. II. The Bigot III. The Experimentalist IV. The Universalist
I have $1,000.00 to invest. I am writing to you as a trusted friend. I now have one of your Annui ties which I took out 10 years ago. It has been a great satisfaction to me— the prompt, regular payments and the knowledge that I have a continuing part in spreading God’s word. I don’t know much about invest ments and frankly, I don’t want the worry of managing my money. But I need as much income as possible. I see that you are now paying higher rates on your Annuity Agreements. If I take another Annuity, am I eligible for the higher rates? Dear Satisfied: Y es, your new Annuity will be written at the higher rates. It will give you ■ An even higher guaranteed income for life ■ Up to 8 % depending on your pres ent age ■ Immediate tax deductions and an an nual income largely tax-free ■ The satisfaction o f helping to give the Bible in more than 490 languages and dialects to the peoples o f the world ■ A part in the 150th anniversary o f the American Bible Society—“The Year o f the Bible” A Satisfied Annuitant
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M A Y , 1966
A r iz o n a B ib l e C o l l e g e
a soap ope ra SLAVE
than before. Our TV set was a handy distraction. My husband, Walt, was away the first time I turned on the TV at noon. Usually he and I had lunch with our two boys. I de cided to see what was on. I sat entranced th rou gh “ L ove o f Life,” “ Search For Tomorrow,” and “ The Guiding Light.” The dramas were vividly portrayed. The acute problems captured my curiosity. Walt showed surprise the next day when I tuned in again. Lunch wasn’t served until 1 o’clock. I tried to appear above the whole situation. For the n ex t few days I thought of one excuse after an other to watch the serials. First I was a critic. “ Do the writers actually believe this is real life?” The feeling of not really accept ing the trash seemed to make watching all right. Then I became a p roph et. “ These silly characters do the same predictable things over and over. I can tell right now that Barbara’s grandmother will be the cause of trouble in Barb’s home. Then Barb and Rick will take it out on each other.” I rea soned the mental exercise was stimulating. One day I realized I was watch ing because I had to know what was going to happen. I gave the excuse I needed a midday break. I wasn’t wasting my time! The mending needed doing or I must get my fancy work finished. But many times I wracked my brain all morning about work I could do while watching my programs.
I w a s A m i s f i t during my brief stay in the hospital when our third child was born. The diffi culty was my ignorance o f the most popular topic o f conversa tion — the tragic death o f a fa vorite TV soap opera heroine. Her passing seemed to be the loss of every mother there. At the noon hour gathering in the maternity lounge, the women took turns inserting quarters for the privilege of seeing the latest episode. By the time I went home, I actually wondered if Bruce and Vanessa would get a divorce. Soon after I returned home a friend called and said she was worried about another woman— a missionary home on furlough. “ I don’t know what to think,” Margie confided. “ A few days ago Connie phoned me. She was crying, and I thought something must have happened at home. But do you know what it was? She was crying because her favorite leading lady on a daytime serial had died.” One day my safe world came to an end. Jeanette, our oldest child, developed incurable kidney cancer. The tumor was surgically removed but the cancer had al ready spread. A few weeks after bringing her home, we were given a used TV set. At the time we were grateful. Some o f the pro grams helped Jeanette forget her pain. Four months later the Lord took her home. Summertime activities, includ ing DVBS, a church conference, and a three-week vacation helped fill the void. But late in August I felt loneliness and sorrow more
When praying about your fu ture in the Lord's service, don't overlook ABC. Enrollment has doubled in the last two years. Excellent faculty, new projected buildings for fall, perfect climate. Director of Admissions ARIZONA BIBLE COLLEGE 3025 W. McDowell Road Phoenix, Arizona Reprints Available: EVOLUTION: FACT OR FANCY by Dr. Louis T. Talbot and Dr. Walter L. Wilson Factual and understandable materi al, which recently appeared in THE KING 'S BUSINESS, is now available for your personal distribution. These two Christian leaders have prepared a frank discussion of the falacious views of evolution, giving the positive testimony of creation found in the Word of God.
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I had been experiencing this subtle con tro l. Television had lured me away from the empow ering reign of the Holy Spirit. A Christian woman can be so filled by the Holy Spirit for service. The Lord’s chosen vessels waste valuable energy and emotion — emotion that could be expended in caring about lost souls or those in desperate need, energy the Holy Spirit could channel into service. Only the searchlight of God’s Word and the cleansing by confession broke the ho ld TV serials had on my life. How different my whole day is now. I no longer plan my house hold duties around a TV schedule. My mental energies have been harnessed to worthwhile projects such as, “ How can I put more umph into our Awana clubs?” or, “How can I prevent Tim from breaking crayons in my primary class?” The greatest help has been learning to pray while doing housework. This has revolution ized my whole attitude and out look on life and it keeps me from being bored with menial tasks. I’m more inclined to view every problem with expectancy. Know ing the Holy Spirit will lead me to the answer does away with the worry. I used to escape from my worries in em o tion a l fancies. Now, with a grateful heart, I think abou t the God-directed progress in my life. Recently my husband was called to be the pastor o f an in fant church 1,000 miles away. One item we happily left behind was our “ too much used” TV set. Walt and I always felt purchas ing a TV would be a waste of God’s money. Because ours was a gift, we decided it was all right. Now we know TV is a far worse waste o f God’s time. I’m glad I’ve learned what it means to be mentally alive for Jesus Christ. Copyright 1965, Scripture Press Publi cations, Wheaton, Illinois. Reprinted by permission from Power fo r Living.
My hands were busy while my mind was being polluted. I tried to prepare family lunch so we could eat before 12 or after 1. Some days mealtime managed to creep into my TV. I casually took my salad and strolled into the TV room. W a lt w a sn ’ t pleased. But because he’s good- natured he only teased by asking, “Have you figured out what’s the matter with their marriage yet?” or, “Are the women still win ning?” At the height o f my folly I spent the time from 1:30 to 4 wrapped up in emotional fancies — “ As the Word Turns,” “ Loret ta Y oun g Theater,” “Day In Court,” “ S e c re t Storm ,” and “ Edge of Night.” It was good that “ Popeye” came on at 4:30 or we’d have had TV dinners every evening! One day an article in a national magazine jolted me. A reporter interviewed an author o f daytime radio and TV scripts who blatant ly told how the emotional crises were created to keep women all over the nation wide-eyed and tuned in. I felt foolish. But my determi nation to stop watching didn’t stick. The television was there and so was my curiosity. Slowly it dawned upon me that I was doing something wrong. Those programs were making me car nally minded. The Holy Spirit led me to Romans 8:7, “ The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” I was beginning to get a true pic ture of my folly. Another day I was making a thorough study of Ephesians 5:18, “ And be not drunk with wine, wherein is ex cess, but be filled with the Spir it.” The word “ excess” has also been translated “ d ebau ch e ry ” which comes from the French word debaucher. This refers to a person who lures someone away from his master. The influence of strong drink lures a Christian away from his Lord. This is also a good description of the influ ence o f TV.
Paul’s solenin charge to Timothy rings cleMfthtough nineteen hundred years, ^adsiill today the Scriptures have power, ft» youftg and old alike, “toiittake thee wise onto salvhtkm.” nearly four hundred years — •longer than any othp®—Cambridge University Pressjpi6 held the privilege, the responsibility, of publishing the greatest book of all, the Holy Bible.
MAY, 1966
by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., PhD .
Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary
F rom P salm 93 to P salm 100 we have what are called “ The Royal Psalms.” These important portions of Scripture deal with the exalted theme of the Kingship of the Lord. In Psalm 99, one of this series, we have not only a psalm of simple beauty, but also one which sets forth most timely truth for our day. This passage reads: “ The Lord reigneth; let the peoples tremble: He sitteth above the cher ubim; let the earth be moved. The Lord is great in Zion; And he is high above all the peoples. Let them praise thy great and terrible name: Holy is he. The king’s strength also loveth justice; Thou dost establish equity; Thou executest justice and righteousness in Jacob. Exalt ye the Lord our God, And worship at his footstool: Holy is he. Moses and Aaron among his priests, And Samuel among them that call upon his name; They called upon the Lord, and he answered them. He spake unto them in the pillar of cloud: They kept his testi monies, And the statute that he gave them. Thou answeredst them, 0 Lord our God: Thou wast a God that forgavest them, Though thou tookest vengeance o f their doings. Exalt ye the Lord our God, And worship at his holy hill; For the Lord our God is holy.” - In the midst o f a war-threatened, sin-sick and beserk world, the heart needs to fix itself on such a portion as this for refreshing and stability. Such a word gives true perspective and can prop erly nerve every endeavor for God. The principal truths o f the psalm are already indicated by the threefold refrain that it contains. It speaks, first of'all, of T he D ivine E xaltation , 1-3 When it is stated that the Lord is reigning, it is the Messiah, the Son of David and the Son of God, who is meant. The scene presents Him as already enthroned and ruling (93:1). God is not only
exalted in heaven, but on earth as well. The peo ples are called upon to tremble, to accord the King both reverence and awe. When it is said that the Ruler is enthroned above the cherubim, the state ment is in keeping with other Scriptures which connect the cherubim with the royal Throne of God (Ezekiel 1; Revelation 4). Where does the reign take place? The Lord reigns in Zion, though not exclusively over Israel, for He is high above all the peoples or nations. I f the people o f Israel de lighted in King Saul because he was head and shoulders above the people, we should all the more exult in God the King who is high above all peo ples. The worship rendered the Sovereign should accord with His nature and greatness. God’s holi ness harmonizes all His attributes and virtues. Three times in this short psalm we are told o f the holiness o f God. It reminds us o f the threefold declaration of God’s holiness in Isaiah 6:3. The refrain occurs in this passage on this essential characteristic of God (Lev. 19:2). God is above all else holy and righteous. Friend, no matter how un likely a righteous rule of the great Messiah and Saviour of Israel may appear at any time, it will come to pass. Some years ago a learned professor delivered a course of lectures, in one of which he proved that under the peculiar conditions of the heaving wqves, raging storms, rolling tides, and so forth, one could never cross the Atlantic by steam. The book in which that lecture was published was on the first steamer that crossed the Atlantic! When we hear o f things that cannot be done, we need to remember that with God all things are possible.
the second place, the psalm tells us T he D ivine J ustice , 4-5
In the rule o f earthly kings their strength is so often misspent and misdirected. But God’s King, the Messiah of Israel, will employ His omnipo-
tence otherwise. All His acts o f power will be per formed in favor of justice. He will not be like earthly tyrants who use their power for their sel fish and unworthy purposes. Might and right will be joined at last in the rule o f this King. He will establish equity in His kingdom. This is the ful fillment o f Psalm 72. He judges on behalf of the helpless, the poor, and the needy—the ones whose cause is so often slighted or neglected. Before such a keep the deepest reverence and humility are in order. We are exhorted, as all nations are, to wor ship at His footstool. The word footstool is applied to the earth (Isaiah 66:1) ; the ark of the cove nant (I Chronicles 28:2) ; Zion (Lam. 2:1) ; and the Temple (Psalm 132:7). Here the meaning is evidently Zion where the King is holding sway. The reason we need to bow lowly before Him is be cause of His holiness. Praise permeates the psalm (verses 5 and 9) and is in keeping with God’s holi ness. The late Dr. John Kelman, while ministering in New York City, asked one of his church members the question, “What is your solution of the present world unrest?” “His answer,” said Dr. Kelman, “amazed me. It was, ‘A Dictator.’ ” “ But,” argued the great preacher, “your Dictator would have to be a superman—one with perfect understanding of civic and economic problems, and with genius to meet the opposition and resolve the fears of those who doubted and opposed him.” “ I know it,” was the quiet answer; “but we are looking for such a Man, and we have Him in view; His name is— Jesus.” Commented Dr. Kelman later, “ The thrill o f that answer will never leave me.” He alone can rule in equity and justice and righteousness in Jacob as the need requires. Now we are presented with some practical exam ples o f worship from the past history of God’s people, Israel. Moses, Aaron, and Samuel are se lected as those who called earnestly upon the name o f the Lord. And God answered them; they did not call upon Him in vain. Many illustrations could be taken from the lives of these men. There is always encouragement for the exercise o f prayer (Isaiah 65:24). God’s objective in their lives was godly living. To this end He held con stant communion with them. He spoke to them, especially Moses and Aaron, in the pillar o f cloud (Numbers 12:5). But they were not the only ones whom God answered. All the godly who called upon the Lord in times past were answered as well. It was not because they were perfect or sinless, for He extended in divine mercy His forgiveness to them in their need. Though they often sinned, and MAY, 1966 L a s t ly , the psalm majestically sets forth T he D ivine M ercy , 6-9
as often needed God’s chastisement, yet He heard and answered their prayers. Their misdeeds were not glossed over, but God found a way to manifest His boundless mercy. Grace reigns in holiness. God’s pardon must be grounded in the full meet ing of the demands o f His holiness. The final word of the psalmist is an encouragement and call to worship and exalt the Lord because He is holy. This is the highest reason for worshipping God, for He is worthy of universal praise and worship. The gods o f the heathen have been endowed by them with many qualities, but one of them is not holiness. This belongs rightly to our God alone. Thank God, though He chastens for sin, yet He finds means to forgive. A soldier heard o f the severe sickness of his wife. He applied for a leave o f absence, but was refused. He left anyhow. He was captured and brought in as a deserter from the army. He was tried, found guilty, and summoned to receive sen tence. He stood perfectly unmoved while the officer read his fearful doom: “ To be shot to death on the next Friday.” Not a muscle twitched, not a limb quivered. “ I deserted my colors; I deserve it. Is that all, sir ?” “ No,” said the officer, “ there is some thing more” ; and, unfolding a paper, he read aloud the doomed man’s pardon. The undaunted spirit which severity had failed to move was com pletely broken down by clemency. He dropped to the ground, shaking, sobbing, and overcome. Being restored to the ranks, he proved himself grateful for and worthy of the mercy shown him, and soon afterward was promoted. Wonderful it is when justice is tempered with mercy! It is the message o f our psalm that the Lord is to be worshipped in holiness. JThe coming reign o f the Messiah will be grounded and founded in holiness. But the holy King must have subjects who conform to His will and standard o f holiness. For that purpose His justice and mercy have met in Messiah’s work on the Cross. In order to have life now and be assured of joy when God reigns in Zion in His glory, we must avail ourselves by faith of the work the Messiah did for us all individually. It is our duty and privilege to hear and heed today the call o f the prophet Isaiah: “ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as wool” (1:18). How can this be possible? It is because “ All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isa. 53:6). What are you to do? Hear Isaiah again: “ There is no God else beside me, a just God and a Saviour [notice again the holiness o f God and then His wondrous mercy] ; there is none beside me. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends o f the earth; for I am God, and there is none else” (45:21, 22). It is o f the great est importance that you do it now! is
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