King's Business - 1966-05

I had been experiencing this subtle con tro l. Television had lured me away from the empow­ ering reign of the Holy Spirit. A Christian woman can be so filled by the Holy Spirit for service. The Lord’s chosen vessels waste valuable energy and emotion — emotion that could be expended in caring about lost souls or those in desperate need, energy the Holy Spirit could channel into service. Only the searchlight of God’s Word and the cleansing by confession broke the ho ld TV serials had on my life. How different my whole day is now. I no longer plan my house­ hold duties around a TV schedule. My mental energies have been harnessed to worthwhile projects such as, “ How can I put more umph into our Awana clubs?” or, “How can I prevent Tim from breaking crayons in my primary class?” The greatest help has been learning to pray while doing housework. This has revolution­ ized my whole attitude and out­ look on life and it keeps me from being bored with menial tasks. I’m more inclined to view every problem with expectancy. Know­ ing the Holy Spirit will lead me to the answer does away with the worry. I used to escape from my worries in em o tion a l fancies. Now, with a grateful heart, I think abou t the God-directed progress in my life. Recently my husband was called to be the pastor o f an in­ fant church 1,000 miles away. One item we happily left behind was our “ too much used” TV set. Walt and I always felt purchas­ ing a TV would be a waste of God’s money. Because ours was a gift, we decided it was all right. Now we know TV is a far worse waste o f God’s time. I’m glad I’ve learned what it means to be mentally alive for Jesus Christ. Copyright 1965, Scripture Press Publi­ cations, Wheaton, Illinois. Reprinted by permission from Power fo r Living.

My hands were busy while my mind was being polluted. I tried to prepare family lunch so we could eat before 12 or after 1. Some days mealtime managed to creep into my TV. I casually took my salad and strolled into the TV room. W a lt w a sn ’ t pleased. But because he’s good- natured he only teased by asking, “Have you figured out what’s the matter with their marriage yet?” or, “Are the women still win­ ning?” At the height o f my folly I spent the time from 1:30 to 4 wrapped up in emotional fancies — “ As the Word Turns,” “ Loret­ ta Y oun g Theater,” “Day In Court,” “ S e c re t Storm ,” and “ Edge of Night.” It was good that “ Popeye” came on at 4:30 or we’d have had TV dinners every evening! One day an article in a national magazine jolted me. A reporter interviewed an author o f daytime radio and TV scripts who blatant­ ly told how the emotional crises were created to keep women all over the nation wide-eyed and tuned in. I felt foolish. But my determi­ nation to stop watching didn’t stick. The television was there and so was my curiosity. Slowly it dawned upon me that I was doing something wrong. Those programs were making me car­ nally minded. The Holy Spirit led me to Romans 8:7, “ The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” I was beginning to get a true pic­ ture of my folly. Another day I was making a thorough study of Ephesians 5:18, “ And be not drunk with wine, wherein is ex­ cess, but be filled with the Spir­ it.” The word “ excess” has also been translated “ d ebau ch e ry ” which comes from the French word debaucher. This refers to a person who lures someone away from his master. The influence of strong drink lures a Christian away from his Lord. This is also a good description of the influ­ ence o f TV.


Paul’s solenin charge to Timothy rings cleMfthtough nineteen hundred years, ^adsiill today the Scriptures have power, ft» youftg and old alike, “toiittake thee wise onto salvhtkm.” nearly four hundred years — •longer than any othp®—Cambridge University Pressjpi6 held the privilege, the responsibility, of publishing the greatest book of all, the Holy Bible.



MAY, 1966

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