King's Business - 1966-05

MATURITY by Anna ISunemaker I F YOU CAN SEE a work which you have begun taken from you and given to another without feeling bitterness — that is ma­ turity. If you can listen to someone criticize you, even unkindly, and receive instruction from it with­ out hard feelings — that is ma­ turity. If you can see others chosen for a job which you yourself are better qualified to do without feel­ ing hurt—that is maturity. If you can see a person do an act which is against your Chris­ tian standards and react without self-righteousness — that is ma­ turity. If you can hear a man argue a point of view which is contrary to your own and accept his right to his own opinion without a feeling o f smugness — that is maturity. If you can have an inward peace from God in an age of frus­ tration—that is maturity. If you can see someone you know deliberately snub you, and still make allowance for his ac­ tions—that is maturity. If you can suffer nagging pain or ache, still singing and praising God, hiding your feelings for the sake of others—that is maturity. If you can give yourself to help someone else who needs you, without having the idea that you are “ a pretty good fellow”—that is maturity. If you can crawl out o f bed at an early hour to pray when you would rather sleep, because you realize that here lies your power with God—that is maturity. If you can put your love for Christ and His church far above your desire o f material things and personal gain — that is ma­ turity. — Reprinted, by permission from Moody Monthly.

Meaning Business Individually

Bible education is a personal thing . . . for young people who have a seriousness of purpose in training for the Lord’s work. MBI is an undergraduate profes­ sional school that educates and trains purposeful young people for specific Christian vocations. The Bible is the textbook. Education is not general or all-purpose but specialized. MBI offers a three-year historic, Bible-centered diploma curriculum and a five-year degree program. For those with 60 hours of general education, the Institute offers nine majors in its professional degree program: Bible-Theology, Christian Education, Foreign Missions, Jewish Mis­ sions, Pastoral Training, Church Music, Christian Ed.-Music leading to the B.A. degree; and Missionary Aviation and Missionary Radio leading to the B.S. degree. Registered nurses who graduate with a For­ eign Missions major qualify for a B.S. in Missionary Nursing. A thousand friends are waiting to greet you at MBI.

For complete information write: A D M I S S I O N S O F F I C E M O O D Y B IB L E IN S T I T U T E C h ic a g o , Illinois 6 0 8 1 0


MAY, 1966

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