King's Business - 1966-05

A MOTHER'S PRAYER I wash the dirt from little feet, and as I wash I pray, "Lord, keep them ever pure and true to walk the narrow way." I wash the dirt from little hands, and earnestly I ask, "Lord, may they ever yielded be to do the humblest task." I wash the dirt from little knees, and pray, "Lord, may they be The place where victories are won, and orders sought from Thee." I scrub the clothes that soil so soon, and pray, "Lord, may her dress Throughout eternal ages be Thy robe of righteousness." Ere many hours shall pass, I know, I'll wash these hands again; And there'll be dirt upon her dress before the day shall end. But as she journeys on through life and learns of want and pain, Lord, keep her precious little heart cleansed from all sin and stain; For soap and water cannot reach where Thou alone can'st see. Her hands and feet, these I can wash — I trust her heart to Thee. — Barbara Ryberg * * * A sea captain not long ago cap­ tured a young seal, hoping to tame and raise it on board his ship. He placed it in a sack to secure it, but wide as the ocean was, and swiftly as the ship sped on, the mother was as swift, and followed in search of her young. When it was first caught the mother howled piteously, and the “ baby” barked back its grief, but the man was relentless and coolly watched the agonized mother follow him till the ship reached the wharf at Santa Barbara. Here he thought his prize was safe, for surely no seal would venture there, and the ship was docked. Suddenly the moth­ er gave a cry close to the ship and the little one, as if obeying instruc­ tions, struggled, still in the sack, to the edge of the deck, and rolled it­ self overboard. The mother was seen to seize the sack, rip it open with her sharp teeth, and joyfully claim her baby. She had swum after it for eighty miles. * * * A MOTHER'S PRAYER Make each day a prayer, dear Lord Let all the hours sing to Thee As I go on about my work Upheld by Thy sufficiency. Give me the patience to endure Fill my whole being with Thy grace May all I do be unto Thee As seeing only Thy dear face. When the day draws to a close And my sweet lambs are snuggled tight M y heart shall sing its praise to Thee Here in the quietness of night. — Mrs. Willard M. Aldrich

T R A I N I N G with P U R P O S E J • J _ ■ . a . . NURSING

Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, laboratory and hospital instructions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board of Examination and obtain the L.V.N. Classes start in September. DENTISTRY

Four-month course. Approved by the Southern California Dental A s­ sociation. Lectures, Laboratory, and Clinical training are offered in one semester. Practical training in mis­ sionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and laboratory work. Classes start in January. DISPENSARY Four-month course. Gives -trainin in laboratory analysis and clini cal practice. Instruction on .f how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently

with common ailments. Classes start in January.

BIOLA SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY MEDICINE 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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