King's Business - 1966-05

THE GOSPEL WITNESS— Evangelical, expository bi-weekly in 45th year of publication. 16 pages packed with excellent material on current reli­ gious issues, "The Jarvis Street Pulpit" by Dr. H. C. Slade, the Sermons of Dr. T. T. Shields, Sun­ day School lesson expositions, etc., for preachers and Christian workers. Only $3 yearly. Free sam­ ples— 130 Gerrard St. East, Toronto 2, Canada.




Pictured from left to right, Don Ranson, program direc­ tor, Ray Syrstad, C. Chester Larson, moderator and Western Director for Scripture Press, and Paul Dirks. by Rev. C. Chester Larson

ATTENTION: CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ALL ORGAN IZAT ION S • Excellent Profits • Little Effort • Effective Results

nated into a smooth-working whole. The Leaders’ Handbook presents a sample VBS P l ann ing Calendar which your Director may follow in preparing his own calendar. By fill­ ing in the calendar, week by week, he can keep tab on every detail. Q. We have only a one-week Vaca­ tion Bible School. How do you adapt material to this shorter time? A. This year’s material gives you a choice of a 10-day or a 5-day sched­ ule, or anything between. The teach­ ers’ manuals offer you a flexible, smoothly-connected set of lessons which may be used for a full week, two weeks, or an odd number of days — for instance, six days, from Monday through Saturday, or from Sunday through Friday. If possible, we suggest a ten-day school, but if this is not possible, make the best of the days you have for your school. Q. We have just one room in which to hold our Vacation Bible School, and that is the church itself, which is a small building. Would such con­ ditions be satisfactory for a school? A. Yes, but of course you will have to adapt your school to the situation. One worship service would have to be held for the entire group, but un­ doubtedly the group can break up into classes as they do in Sunday School and carry on in that fashion. Perhaps the basement of the church could be set up for handwork. With warm weather prevailing for practi­ cally all Vacation Bible Schools, some of the classes could be held out­ doors under trees, a canvas canopy, or even on a porch of a nearby home. There is no circumstance that can­ not be surmounted if the leaders of any VBS are determined to give spiritual help and training to young hearts.

Q. Why have a Senior or Adult De­ partment? I thought VBS was for children. A. Undoubtedly you have noticed in other schools, if not in your own, that many of the children, especially the very young ones, are brought by a mother or an older brother or sis­ ter. Most of the time the mothers come, and instead of sitting around waiting for the school to terminate, or just driving up with the child and leaving, they can take part in a study period of their own. Many of these folk have had very little basic Bible teaching. A class for them will prove helpful and provide an open door for your church school. Q. Have evening V a ca tion Bible Schools proved successful? A. Yes, evening schools have been quite successful and more are being conducted each year. In some locali­ ties workers are busy during the day and the only time that such a school may be held is during the evening. The big advantage is that more men teachers, handcraft workers, and recreation helpers aie available. Of necessity, some recreational periods are cut down or eliminated in eve­ ning classes. Q. How soon should we start plan­ ning for our VBS, which takes place generally the last two weeks in June? A. The earlier the better! An early start is very essential to the success of your program, Ideally, certain things should be done by the 14th week before VBS. Remember, an ef­ fective VBS requires action on a broad front. Publicity, finances, housing, registration, enlistment of teachers and workers—the total ef­ fort must be synchronized—co-ordi­

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MAY. 1966

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