King's Business - 1966-05


book re v ie w s

visit with Dale Evans


for readers who may have little ori­ entation in the field of psychology, outlining basic subjects of neurosis with their causes, manifestations and cure. — 189 pages; cloth; Zon­ dervan Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. Romance of The Ages by Paul LaBotz In an exposition of the Song of Solomon, the author presents the en­ tire body of true believers in this dispensation as the Bride of Christ, or the Church. He stresses the fact that the church is actually made up of individuals, and that salvation must always be on a personal basis. Born in the Netherlands, the writer has carried on an extensive Bible- teaching ministry, p a r t i c u l a r l y aimed at reaching young people in public schools of the Southeastern portion of the United States. There has been limited literature on this important, but sometimes, difficult book of the Bible. It is felt that what the author has prepared will be ex­ tremely blessed to the hearts of those who take the time to study it. The forward was written by the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan which signifies the reliability of the author’s work. — 291 pages; cloth; Kregel Publica­ tions, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.50. The Name Above Every Name by Charles J. Rolls Coming as the fourth volume on the names and titles of our Lord Jesus Christ, the author considers 42 more subjects using the letters P, Q, R, and S. In the book, every chap­ ter opens with an original poem and information concerning each scrip­ tural designation which has been given. Dr. Rolls has been a mission­ ary and home director of the Sudan Interior Mission for New Zealand and Australia. Any student of the Word will find much helpful refer­ ence material on these names and titles of the Saviour. — 255 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, N. J.; $3.50. The Suffering Saviour By F. W. Krummacher Coming as one o f “ The Wycliffe

The Quiet Corner Edited by Sherwood Eliot Wirt Gathering devotional ma te r i a l s from many different sourses, both contemporary as well as across the years, the editor of Decision maga­ zine presents a treasury of helpful poems and prose for the Christian’s development. Recognizing the need for spiritual refreshment, the reader is reminded of the Psalmist’s words, “ Thou leadeth me beside the still waters.” In addition to his assign­ ment with the Billy Graham publi­ cation, Dr. Wirt has authored three other volumes. — 116 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $2.50. Between Sundays by Richard C. Halverson It is generally true that ministers of the Gospel are more concerned about how people live during the week than what appearance they may have on Sunday. As one pastor put it, “ It’s the problem of putting faith into practice.” As a pastor in Washington, D.C. (Fourth Presby­ terian Church) Dr. Halverson points out that, “ Christianity is made for the road and not for the sanctuary. The spontaneity of primitive Chris­ tian worship has been lost and with it more often than not the power and relevance of faith to life.” The short chapters (usually about a page in length) will make an excellent guide for any man who desires to deepen and enrich his faith through such a daily devotional guide.— 160 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Man in Conflict by Paul F. Bartman As a psychologist the author deals with spiritual needs Christians face. He writes out of his experiences as both a clinical staff psychologist at the Pasadena Community Counsel­ ling Center, as well as an ordained minister. He deals with such sub­ jects as conflict and tension in mod­ ern life, aggression (including inner and outer wars), and includes a “ guide for mental good health,” in­ tegrating psychology and the Chris­ tian life. The book has been written



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