King's Business - 1966-05

Summer Bible Camps

order to win young people to Christ, to build Christian character, to in­ spire young people for Christian service, and to create interest in Christian missionary work.” This camping program includes a variety of camps for various ages. At the Wagon Train Camp, the young people actually live in cov­ ered wagons. Each wagon has its own counselor, and various activi­ ties such as swimming, Bible study, and other recreations are enjoyed. The junior high Round Up at Meadow Ranch is a program de­ signed for junior high age young people. The high school camp at Pon- derosa takes its name from the beau­ tiful Ponderosa Pines which tower over the camp. A special of the year-round camp­ ing activities is the Couples Confer­ ence, held this year May 13-15. This is for young married couples who want a vacation with true spiritual values. Anyone desiring further informa­ tion for any of these camping pro­ grams should write: Hume Lake Christian Camps, P.O. Box 2267, Fresno, California 93720. JACK AND JILL BIBLE CLUB J a c k a n d J il l B ible C lu b C a m p is a non-denominational camp located on Pine Lake, 25 miles north of Grand Rapids. Its program is geared to the twofold purpose of introducing boys and girls to Jesus Christ and directing those who al­ ready know Him into a deeper spir­ itual life. The camp consists of three pro­ grams: one for adults, a Christian workers’ Bible conference; one for boys and girls, ages seven through fourteen; and a program emphasiz­ ing missions for junior high and senior high young people. This par­ ticular camp, Jungle Jumpoff, is planned by the personnel of the Wyc- liffe Bible Translators, many of whom have been on the mission field for terms of service. Various inter­ ests are enjoyed by the campers in­ cluding singing, Bible lessons, swim­ ming, cookouts and games, and camp­ ing-out programs. The counselor is a very important asset in this camping program. He or she lives with the young people in the cabin offering guidance and sincere instruction. A physician, as well as a registered nurse, is on call, and a water safety instructor is re­ sponsible for the swimming courses and enjoyment. Anyone desiring information on any of these camping programs are

Schools and 34 Bible conferences. Through this ministry, nearly 11,000 children and young people were en­ rolled and more than 1,100 of these professed personal faith in Jesus Christ. The activities of the Bible confer­ ence programs of the American Sun­ day School Union are varied with classes, handcrafts, and various types of recreation. The main em­ phasis, however, is to saturate the conferences with the Word of God. This is the highest emphasis of the ministry, and all the activities cen­ ter around t h i s central purpose. Those desiring further information are encouraged to write to the Amer­ ican Sunday School Union headquar­ ters, 1816 Chestnut Street, Phila­ delphia, Pa. HUME LAKE CHRISTIAN CAMP AND CONFERENCE GROUNDS Located 65 miles east of Fresno, California, the Hume Lake Christian Camp Ground occupies 320 acres of the beautiful Sequoia National For­ est. The camp’s executive director, Dr. Walter Warkentin, states: “We feel that God has given us a com­ mission to organize, promote, develop and conduct Christian programs in

AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION BIBLE CONFERENCES S INCE ITS FOUNDING in 1817, the American Sunday School Union has been engaged in the ministry of teaching the Bible, p r ima r i l y through the Sunday school. Other areas of training for boys and girls have been the Vacation Bible School, Bible conferences, literature distri­ bution, and in recent years, the Rural Outreach Program. This par­ ticular feature of their program places high school and college stu­ dents in an “ on-the-field” training program during the summer months in Vacation Bible School and Bible conference work. The Pacific Southwest District, Robert H. Bunnell, superintendent, has developed an extensive Bible con­ ference ministry throughout the state of California. These include the Forward Bible Conference, Placer- ville; Mount Hope Bible Conference, Challenge; Wynola Bible Conference, Escondido; Mount Gilead Bible Con­ ference, Santa Rosa; and Shasta Christian Youth Center, Redding. During the summer of 1965, this district conducted 185 Vacation Bible

Mount Gilead Bible Conference is directed by Missionary Dwight Jungkeit.


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