King's Business - 1966-05


A number o f articles, all o f which were in a similar vein as that referred to above, appeared in the San Francisco Seminary student publication. There have been no repudiations whatsoever on the part o f students, faculty, board o f directors or denominational leaders o f the position taken by the President o f the Seminary and those who were directly responsible for the material published in The Challenge. This practically forces one to the conclusion that the ideas expressed in the paper were acquiesced in by these vari­ ous groups connected with the Seminary. This automatically puts every student who graduates from the school under suspicion as being either a homosexual himself or one who is sympathetic toward that utterly devilish, degrading practice. There certainly must be many serious doubts among an appreciable number o f the Lord’s people who belong to Presbyterian churches which sup­ port the Seminary and those which may be considering the calling o f a graduate o f the Seminary as pastor or as Director o f Christian Education to serve their churches. It is deeply disturbing to con­ sider that very possibly such a young man, attractive and promis­ ing though he may appear, has lurking in the back o f his mind the possibility o f leading unwary young people into these sexual devia­ tions. Surely if there were deep-seated convictions on the part o f the Seminary against this hellish practice it is our considered judgment that, in fairness to all concerned, they should repudiate it with all o f the vehemence at their command and assure their Christian public that they are not in sympathy with this revolting business; that they are doing everything possible to purge the Seminary o f its influence and practice and that they ask God’s people everywhere to pray earnestly that, once again, the Semi­ nary may train and graduate young men who are sound in doc­ trine, holy in life and committed to the preaching and teaching o f the great doctrines o f our historic Christian faith which, indeed, are doctrines o f the historic Presbyterian Church. Until such a ringing declaration is given, there will inevitably remain in the minds o f Christian people everywhere the haunting thought that there, at least, is a seed-bed o f sex perversion. It’s time for a thor­ ough house-cleaning! One always regrets that a person must lay down his work because o f ill health. If this is actually the case, certainly everyone wishes the President o f San Francisco Theological Seminary a speedy recovery to health and strength and active .service. Many people doubtless will be praying that during this time o f semi- retirement the Lord will speak to his heart and bring to his remem­ brance the wonderful truths found in the inspired Word o f God, the only infallible rule o f faith and practice. But if this is only a subterfuge to remove an embarrassment to the Seminary, alas, the ends sought have not been achieved for the unsavory odor lingers on. It is a most lamentable way to try to remedy such an extremely serious situation. The great Presbyterian Church, so far as its historic position is concerned, deserves much better and more noble treatment than this.

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MAY, 1966

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