King's Business - 1966-05

IF you have ever wished you could organize your Bible studies or IF you have ever wanted an easy way to quickly re-locate Scripture on subjects of your choice, without notes, The QuiKEY INDEXING RULER for BIBLE MARKING is what you have been looking for. Attractive GIFT BOX includes: 1. FINE PEN with special ink for Bible marking 2. INDEXING RULER, full instructions (so simple) 3. BIBLE STUDY HELPS See your Christian Book Store or ORDER TODAY from The QuiKEY Line 707 East 39th Place, Eugene 15, Oregon

Dr. Roy Zuck, executive director of Scripture Press F ounda tion , was among speakers at a Youth Seminar on Christian Education Vocations held recently at the Scripture Press headquarters in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The purpose of the all-day Saturday program was to acquaint high school and college young people with voca­ tional opportunities in C h r is tian education, camp leaders, children’s workers, curriculum journalists, edu­ cational m is s ion a r ie s , etc. Other speakers at the Seminar were Dr. Bernice Cory, Dr. Mary LeBar, Dr. Clate Risley and Rev. Jim Johnton.

placed and dispossessed mountain tribes in Viet Nam’s Central High­ lands. The World Vision projects al­ so include the sponsorship of-Viet­ namese orphans, support for a Chris­ tian widows’ home near Danang, the provision o f w h ee lcha irs and crutches for Vietnamese war ampu­ tees, the care of blind students, the shipping of tons of relief goods and medical supplies, and the construc­ tion of a “ Christian Embassy” in Saigon with offices for other Chris­ tian organizations in addition to World Vision’s own warehousing and administrative center. Rev. Earl H. King, president of Indo- Burma Pioneer Mission, dedicated the Mission’s 24-bed Sielmat Chris­ tian Hospital recently in Manipur, northeast India. Dr. Laltuoklien Sinate, the medical officer, treated over 10,000 out-patients while the build­ ing was being constructed last year. The new hospital building is donated by the women’s missionary society of the Wheaton Evangelical Free Church, Wheaton, Illinois. Besides the healing of the body, many souls have been won to the Lord. “ Medi­ cine is a magnet in the mission field. It has drawn people to us who, other­ wise, would never be reached with the Gospel,” declared Rochunga Pu- 4aire, the Mission director. Dr. Billy Graham recently held a cru­ sade at the Textile Hall in Green­ ville, South Carolina. Pictured be­ low, a young boy looks over part of the 21,500 people who packed the hall during the first Sunday after­ noon service. Approximately 70,000 people attended the first three serv­ ices of the Billy Graham Southern Piedmont Crusade. Massive crowds have caused officials to announce double services for the final five days of the meetings. It is the first time Graham has ever held two nightly services back-to-back in any meet­ ing in the United States.

CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship RADIO M IN ISTRY: Broadcasting The Gospel in Telugu

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Rev. Henry Harvey, formerly associate d ir e c t o r o f the Christian Medical S o c ie ty o f Oak Park, Illinois, has been elected presi­ dent o f Compas­ sion, Inc., to suc­ ceed th e late Dr. E ve re tt Sw an son . founder. Compas­

M I S S I O N S If you have a burden for the -lost, more then one hundred million souls in spanish-speaking countries south of the Mexican border beckon to you. Most of these can be reached thru the film ministry. Amazing results being accom­ plished by missionaries and organizations using this technique. For particulars write: A. W. Pitts 161 E. Orangethorpe No. 72 Placentia, Calif. 92670

Rev. Harvey

sion maintains 170 Christian or­ phanage homes, w ith more than 22,000 children in its care. Rev. Har­ vey brings to his new responsibility a wide experience as missionary, ad­ ministrator, businessman and pastor. Rev. George Sweeting, currently the pastor of the Madison Avenue Bap­ tist Church in Paterson, New Jer­ sey, has recently accepted the call to become pastor of Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Sweeting has had successful and fruitful pastoral ministries in New England and New Jersey and has been engaged in evangelistic and B ib le conference work in many areas of the United States as well as Europe. Besides his gifts as an outstanding and capable preacher and Bible teacher, he has the additional gifts as a Gospel artist and musician. Dr. Sweeting and his family will settle in the Chicago area around mid-summer. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., has announced a ten- point aid program for his organiza­ tion in Viet Nam. It includes the construction of a “ Halfway House” for Vietnamese war amputees, the establishment of a "Children’s City” for orphans, the building of refugee centers in three critical areas and the launching of a Christian Voca­ tional and Agricultural T ra in in g School for the young people of dis­

U S E B I B L E T R A C T S by Evangelist Paul J. Levin

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E U R O P E H O L Y E A N D DELUXE TOUR Departs OCT. 3, '66— THREE WEEKS with DAV ID l i . THIESEN Noted Christian Business Man & Tour Guide $ 10 9 5 from Chicago Write: CLIFF GOTAAS TRAVEL, Dept. KB-E5 RUSHING TO RUSSIANS g with the Gospel for 32 years. We need financial help to continue operating our Russian Bible Insti­ tute in S.A. — only one in the world. Write us for FREE Gospel News magazine. Send donations to: I S L A V IC G O S P E L A S S O C IA T IO N Pator Deyneka, General Director | Dept. K, 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647^ 7 W. Madison St., Chicago 60602 Phone: Area Code 312 CE 6-2225



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