King's Business - 1966-05

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APPRECIATION We are grateful for the article per­ taining to my father’s Homegoing, and not only appreciate this tribute to his memory and ministry, but also value this means of enlisting the prayer sup­ port o f your readers fo r us as we carry on. I know that my father had a special regard for you, and the min­ istries o f the Bible Institute o f Los An­ geles, and was pleased at the additional outreach you gave his messages within the pages o f your magazine. Thank you for your interest and thoughtfulness. Richard W. DeHaan, Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan EDITORIALS The last two issues of T he K ing ’ s B usiness have carried editorials that call fo r favorable comment. The Janu­ ary article titled, “ Morals and Movies,” represents a courageous confrontation with an industry that, for box office purpose, is, by its own admission, shot through with suggestiveness and ob­ scenity. I am sure that you recognize the February editorial, “ A Light at Mid­ night,” to be representative o f a posi­ tion that is considered, in contemporary religious circles, a bit “ antiquated” and “ obscurantist.” Our day o f negotiated theology in a climate of tolerance might be surprised to find that the New Tes­ tament still holds the spiritual g ift of “ discernment” on a level o f rather high priority (I Cor. 12:10 and I John 4 :1 ). God bless you in your stand. The growth o f Biola indicates that there are still people who appreciate a deci­ sive word on these matters. Gordon R. Fredeen, Redeemer Covenant Church, Orangevale, California NO MONEY Dr. Narramore is wrong when he says the teacher should get the money for the good grade (February 1966, page 26) instead o f the student who earned it. There are too many teach­ ers now who give good grades so that they will get nice presents from the parents. Some o f these same parents are the ones who are big shots in the church. They are, in my estimation, just plain old hypocrites. A Disgusted Reader, Spokane, Washington E ditor ’ s N ote : We are very grateful to our many watchful readers who called attention to an advertisement which unfortunately slipped by our copy desk without being deleted. We can assure those who have written, as well as any who may have questioned the statement appearing in this adver­ tisement, that T he K ing ’ s B usiness would not knowingly carry such infor­ mation. We are always thankful for the comments, suggestions and criti­ cisms of readers, and particularly in reference to this unfortunate occur­ rence.

Abandoned children, such as this frightened and hopeless little waif, look to America for help. In our 170 Orphanage Homes are more than 22,000 boys and girls—and many o f them have no sponsors. THEY NEED YOUR HELP-NOW! Providing nourishing food, shelter, adequate clothing and much-needed medical care—is a tremendous task. And for this we desperately need your help ! We appeal to compassionate hearts to sponsor one or more o f these needy orphans. The cost is only $10 a month—that’s about 33c a day. Winning the Orphans for Christ! And while we’re caring for their physical needs, we’ re sur­ rounding them with an atmosphere o f Christian love, pointing them day by day, even in their early years, to the need o f Jesus Christ in their lives. What an opportunity for you, and for us, to evangelize. Here in Korea is a mission field where prayer­ fully you can look for direct evidence o f results for your stewardship. Become a mission-minded, sponsor-partner with us today. Mail coupon and we’ll send you the photo and life story o f your orphan—and you’ll start the blessings flowing your way. SELECT ONE OF THE ORPHANS PICTURED

Hea Yung (X -l) Age 7

Kun Jae (X-2) Age 11

Jung Ja (X-3) Age 11


^Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. P Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is_______________________ _ If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer p Boy Q Girl___________ Age. With God's help, I will send 810 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may dis­ continue any time. Please send child’s picture and FULL PARTICULARS. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ Please select a child for me and send par­ ticulars at once. □ | cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving % All gifts are most welcome . . . income tax

Dept. K56 7774 Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compassion of Canada, Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario





□ Please send folder "How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan."





MAY, 1966

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