— — announcing
■ Dr. Joseph Free, world-renowned Bibli cal archaeologist, demonstrates how the accuracy o f the«-01d Testament has been verified again and again through archae ological discoveries. ■ 40 minutes — color — rental: $18.00 IM P A C T of Archaeology «
A tribute to daughters
Use this informative new film to strengthen faith in the accuracy of the Scriptures.
BELOVED EN EM Y ■ An award-winning dramatic feature! ■ A young scientist sets out to disprove the deity o f Christ and meets the unac countable man! ■ 90 minutes — color — rental: $48.50 W R IT E F O R TH ESE A N D O TH ER F IL M S
O f all the joys of motherhood, That give your heart a whirl; There's really nothing to com pare, W ith just a little girl. A little girl with pretty curls, A nd shining, laughing eyes; Can bring a mother happiness, That money never buys. Now daughters do not stay the same, In age, or stage, or size; A nd each day for a mother, Brings a new and fresh sur prise. One day a daughter cares for things, Like frills, and dolls, and toys; The next she thinks of differ ent things; Like cars, and sports— A N D BOYS! To lead her daughter in God's truth; Is mothers' special task, And so wise mothers seek the help, O f God, W h o bids us ask. So now to daughters we ex tend, Our tribute and this prayer: "T h a t God may bless you every one, A nd keep you in H is care." — Roger F. Campbell
1204 N. Elmwood • Peoria, III. • Phone 309 674*8131 Dept. 5-KB
CovenantRetirement Centers are more than superb retirement com munities. They are a way of life. They offer custom-designed retire ment plans tof it individual needs featuring beautifully appointed suites and semi-suites. They provide complete active retirement service with companionship, recre ation, security and independence within a Christian environment. Covenant Village NORTHBROOK % Mr. Harvey E. Anderson 2745 Techny Road ■Northbrook, Illinois Covenant Palms M IAM I % Mr. Victor Person 8400 N.W. 25th Avenue ■Miami, Florida Mount Miguel Covenant Village SAN DIEGO % Rev. G. Marian Enns 325 Kempton Street »Spring Valley, California Hearthstone Manor FOLSOM % Mr. L. Dow Coffman 6700 Oak Avenue «Folsom, California Mountain View Covenant Center DENVER p r o p o se d Applications are available topersons ofvarying economic levels. Informa tion is available by writing the center of your choice.
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