King's Business - 1966-05

Bishop A. W. Goodwin Hudson "Many would say that prayerlessness was the root-cause of the present failure of the Church in Britain to influence the Nation’s life. The causes are many. Certainly, the more praying there is in a Nation, the better that Nation will be. Prayer could "clear the air”, rid us of our infections, destroy the apathy of the times, and for us in England, bring the cause of Christ success this June in the Greater London Crusade. We look hopefully to Christians be­ yond our shores to pray with us.” Rev. Maurice A. P. Wood, D.S.C. M.A. “If thousands of Christians in this Country and overseas focused their prayers on this Crusade, great things will happen. God answers the prayer of His believing people. Strong prayer support will produce lasting spiritual results. I know that Dr. Graham will seek to come to this Crusade in total dependence upon God, and with a fresh consecration of his powers to the service of Christ his Saviour. We ordinary Christians in our thousands, therefore, must play our part in the bearing of such a prayer responsibility, as will release mighty spiritual forces in the summer of ’66.”

beginnig JUNE1andconti uing throughJULY2— meetingsat EARLS COURT,London

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Thousands will be reached through large screen television in auditoriums in Manchester, Newcastle, Southampton and other cities throughout Great Britain

MAY, 1966


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