September-October 2024


SM: Number one is the financial benefit. But even if there was no incentive, we’re already doing a lot. Getting recorded for your Double or Triple Diamond requires paperwork and time. It’s meeting with your regional manager to get your stuff lined out, taking pictures, and turning the documents in. It’s the stuff that no farmers really like to do. It does take time, but you're going to do it. And it's financially rewarding. Blue Diamond is incentivizing growers to assist in growing the market for our crops. As growers, we help Blue Diamond promote our crops, which ultimately comes back to all of us. There is also a benefit to our soils. Cover crop helps restore the organic compounds within the soil, it’s the natural way of doing it. We also do moisture monitoring in our orchards. Irrigating is not cheap, and we don’t want to flush our fertilizers into the groundwater. Monitoring our soil moisture levels and the needs of the trees means that I’m not putting anything further than a three-foot root zone. It’s simply a matter of documentation. And it’s also what I like to do to ensure that we’re not causing problems for the next generation.



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