When you consider Kappa Alpha Psi’s® motto is “Training for Leader- ship,” you can take particular pride in Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Jordan Q. Smith. He has been training since he was 14, when he joined the India- napolis (IN) Kappa League. Brother Smith served as the chapter President and as a National Board Member. During his senior year, he received the Leon W. Steward Award for the most outstanding individual Kappa League participant. In reflecting on his life-changing experiences with the Indianapolis Kappa League Program, Smith shared, “Growing up, I’ve always shown promise as a leader, but Kappa League really introduced me to what it means to be a strong leader. As a Kappa Leaguer, I had the chance to host many community service and pro- gramming events around the city of Indianapolis. I owe much gratitude to the Indianapolis (IN) Alumni Chapter brothers for molding me into the man I am today.” As the 65th Junior Grand Vice Polemarch (JGVP), Smith is the 62nd brother to hold this position, which is the highest undergraduate official of Kappa Alpha Psi and is third in line in directing the affairs of the
JGVP Smith led the 87th Grand Chapter Meeting Kickoff Program at Chase Field in Phoenix, AZ.
Fraternity. He recently led the 87th Grand Chapter Meeting Kickoff press conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Brother Smith is also a member of the Fraternity’s Executive Committee and the Chairman of the Council of Junior Province Vice Polemarchs. The Council focuses on issues affect- ing undergraduate members while learning the operations of the Frater- nity. In the fall semester of 2024, he was elected Chairman of the National Pan-Hellenic Council Undergraduate Leadership Council. In this role, he serves as the voice for undergraduates across all D9 organizations. The Indiana University Public Management and Leadership major plans to work as a Business Strategy associate for a major company. He eventually intends to lead a company
as Chief Executive Officer in the business or sports industries. These are the types of goals that personify Achievement. Brother Smith is a Spring 2022 ini- tiate of the Alpha of Kappa Alpha Psi. He is also a Kappa Fellow of the 2022 Undergraduate Leadership Institute Kappa Klass. Brother Smith’s campus involvement has also been extensive. He served as the Treasurer of the Black Student Union and a Resident Assistant, where he worked to create a welcoming community for all students on Indiana University’s campus. In addition, he completed an internship with Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), where Smith performed risk and regulation consulting. His unshakable determi- nation to grow as a leader and make a
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