Digital Download Library FlippingBook Catalog

Welcome to Bjorem Speech®'s Digital Downloads Library! Our library currently contains over 100 digital downloads, and we will be adding new products, including subscriber exclusives, monthly! Tailored for speech therapists, educators, and parents, this subscription offers unparalleled access to a curated selection of downloadable products, along with exciting new additions each month. Bjorem Speech Publications is committed to creating the most inclusive speech therapy products on the market. We understand that representation matters , and that’s why we’ve composed an all-star, collaborative and diverse team to create top-of-the-line products for speech therapy and beyond. Through an intersectional lens, our mission is to bring to life FUNctional materials that have children and adults alike saying, “Hey, that looks like me!” Welcome to Bjorem Speech Digital Downloads Library Catalog 2

By making Bjorem Speech your go-to for speech therapy products, you’re increasing access to diverse, inclusive, evidence-based, therapy materials and we’re sure your clients will be better for it.

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