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Articulation Target Practice Sheets Printable black & white target sheets for all consonant sounds! 20 targets per sheet Includes:
Minimal Pairs Cards Printable black & white minimal pairs cards for common phonological error patterns! Over 100 pages of minimal pairs cards Includes common phonological error patterns , including fronting/backing, initial/final consonant deletion, cluster reduction, stopping, gliding and more! Black & white to conserve ink and toner Don’t see the error pattern you are looking for? Request it! singleton consonants in initial, medial and final positions of words: p, t, k, b, d, g, m, n, f, v, s, z, sh, ch, j, y, w, h, l and all r contexts 2 element clusters: s, r & l clusters, kw and ks 3 element clusters: spl, spr, str, skr, skw Also includes multisyllabic words (2-6 syllables) and simple syllable shapes *Cue cards, Big Roller dice and magnetic fish toys included for staging purposes only
*Cue cards and decks included for staging purposes only
Open-Ended Game Boards Simple, printable game boards to add an element of fun and motivation to your speech & language therapy sessions! Currently includes: Bjorem Speech Sounds Game Board * Get To Know You Game Board Various Themes: Valentines, Halloween, Farm, Bug, Birthday, Beach, Pirate, School and more! Comes with 6 printable game pieces and a printable dice Pair with your favorite Bjorem Speech decks for added fun and ease!
*the Bjorem Speech Sounds Game Board is the only board that is NOT an exclusive
Themed Stimulus Scenes These open-ended stimulus scenes are perfect for targeting a variety of speech and language skills! Find words that have your target sounds or work on language concepts, like prepositions! Open-ended to allow for use across various speech and language contexts Thematic options currently include: Halloween Fall Winter ...with more to come!
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