Schneider Wiring Devices Catalogue '18-LLR

Lisse Range

A full clinical assessment Schneider Electric have commissioned an external test to assess the resistance of Lisse whitemoulded wiring devices against:

> MRSA > E-Coli

> Samonella > Klebsiella Penumoniae

Combined with the Schneider Electric cablemanagement range, to provide you with a complete solution. Lisse wiring devices can be used seamlessly with the Ultimate or Cableline anti- microbial 3 compartment trunking system.

The results: MRSA

99.9% kill rate


97.5% kill rate

Salmonella 97.0% kill rate Klebsiella Pneumoniae 99.4% kill rate

65 Wiring Devices | Master Catalogue 2017

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