AdvancedPT.Get Back Into a Safe Exercise Routine with Physi…

Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to improve your strength.

Strengthens Core Muscles

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Patient Results

CURL UP Lie on back with one leg straight. The other leg is bent with the foot flat on the ground. Position your hands underneath your lower back. Tuck your chin and lift your shoulder blades off the ground slightly. Return to the start position in a controlled manner. Repeat 20 times.

My confidenceandwillpowerwasbuilt up tohelpme. This is to thank all of you for all the expert therapy that you gave to me to get my right knee prepared for major reconstructive surgery. My confidence and willpower was built up to help me do my very best and make my success achieved. There are no words to say how much I appreciate each and everyone of you. From the bottom of my heart.” —L.V. I haven’t felt this good in years. Before therapy, I had extreme lower back pain and joint stiffness. I was unable to do much physical work or activities. Since therapy, I haven’t felt this good in years. The therapists taught me the exercises and skills I need to be flexible and pain-free. They are the best! —M.H. Movingbetter, restingbetter andstandingstraighter. “The staff at Advanced / Empower Physical Therapy gave me personalized, respectful and encouraging care for chronic back and shoulder pain. I learned how to take better care of myself. I am moving better, resting better and standing straighter. A big thank you to all who helped me!” —P.C.

Strengthens Lower Body

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LUNGE AND TWIST Step forward with one leg. Bend your front knee as you allow your back leg to bend, and lower yourself until your forward knee is about 90 degrees. Once in this position, rotate your shoulders and torso until you feel a slight stretch in the core. Push through the heel of your lead foot and extend your hip and knee to raise yourself back up. Alternate between legs for two sets of ten reps on each side.

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