Angler & Sportsman Magazine

At the bottom of the low water, when the water stops moving, the silt settles to the bottom and the water considerably cleans up as it gets shallow. It helps to have light winds, but you can also find banks that are in the lee on windier days to ensure cleaner water. When you have found clean water in an area, being stealthy is the name of the game. Getting close enough to see a redfish before he spooks and swims off is a must. Even veteran anglers make the biggest mistake of too much body movement, so being quiet always is a must.

Every noise you make is amplified in shallow water. If a fish is coming at you and you have to put a bait in front of him. I prefer to flip the bait with my wrist than moving the rod overhead or swinging it and your arms to make your favorite cast to the fish. If you can see the fish, he can see you. Limit your movements and you will be far more productive.

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