Maria Cruz, 2022 LLDP graduate and Board Observer 2023-2024
Celebrating milestones with the African American Leadership Development Program (AALDP) and Latino Leadership Development Program (LLDP) AALDP celebrated its 30-year anniversary, and LLDP celebrated its 40-year anniversary. Our volunteer founders saw a community need, and created an opportunity for hundreds of Black and Latino community leaders. Over 2,000 leaders have since graduated from our LDPs. 20 Years of Women United Since its 2002 founding, Women United has grown to 1,082 women, and collectively raises an average of $2 million a year with United Way—creating a collective impact and unifying the voices of our community’s inspiring women. Honoring the Gallinas Andy and Karen Gallina were awarded the 2022 Tocqueville Society Award, in recognition of their two-decade support of our work, community volunteerism, and inspirational leadership. Andy and Karen Gallina chaired the Tocqueville Society in 2015 and 2016, are current members of the Tocqueville cabinet, and led the 2019 Annual Campaign alongside their three children, Lauren, Rob, and Evan. Andy Gallina also serves on the annual Campaign cabinet, and Karen is a current member of Women United. Recognizing community giants at African American Leadership Society (AALS) This year, AALS celebrated the inspiring leaders who founded AALS nearly 20 years ago. AALS founders Emerson U. Fullwood, Clayton Osbourne, Essie Calhoun-McDavid, and William A. Johnson, Jr. as well as longstanding AALS coordinator, Rodney Young, were recognized for their innovation, dedication, and leadership—without them AALS would not be the strong community it is today. The founders have raised a collective $3.5 million in pledges during their time as AALS steering committee chairs, and AALS is currently over 150 members strong. Getting representative books in the hands of children Circulo Latino Society hosted a Multicultural Book Drive to collect inclusive children’s literature for local nonprofits. Five area businesses set up collection boxes, five local bookstores supported the efforts, 400 books were collected, and 30 United Way partner agencies received books that look just like them! Educating and driving opportunities to address food insecurity Emerging Leaders Society hosted an enlightening panel discussion on what food insecurity looks like for local families and how United Way and its partners are helping communities fill the gap. Meaningful stories and important resources were shared to a dynamic group of emerging leaders. Attendees also helped collect food items to benefit local food distribution centers. Labor Leaders give back 2022 marked a year of giving back with our Labor Leaders Club. Hundreds of our region’s most dedicated union members showed up to support their community. Labor Leaders Club members participated in Day of Caring and volunteered for many Rochester Labor Council projects. This group not only donated their treasure but time and immense talent.
“Latino Leadership Development Program connected me with an amazing group of Latino leaders…Personally, I am walking away with a better understanding of civic service through board engagement. After LLDP, I feel better equipped to be an advocate and an agent of change by being part of important conversations and the decision making process . I look forward to expanding my network, civic work, and knowledge as I continue to join advocacy efforts that align with my advocacy values.” - Maria Cruz LLDP Class of 2022 United Way Board Observer 2023-2024
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