2022 Impact Report


Our communities depend on our ability to convene, mobilize, and innovate towards the future. As we look ahead into the coming year, we see endless opportunities. A 2023 preview:

The implementation of a new United Way 3-Year Strategic Plan to support our growing and evolving organization and region.

The first-time development and launch of the Impact Strategy 6-County Grant process.

Release of new ALICE data for our state and

region that will help inform communities of challenges and opportunities.

Expanded services to support nonprofits from volunteers and in-kind donations to training and learning opportunities like a monthly training series that informs nonprofits on key changes impacting our sector.

Launch of community campaigns to raise awareness and funds to support families, in each corner of our region, facing challenges like the reduction of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid recertifications.

Relaunch and reimaging of Leadership Giving Network programming and in-person events to foster more connections and support our region.

Expansion of our Leadership Development Programs with plans to broaden regional participation.

After years of development, United Way and Rochester Area Community Foundation’s co-directed Monroe County Aging Alliance implements Age- Friendly Plan .

Convened by United Way, ROC Family Teleconnect will expand home visitation services to support more new moms and babies in Monroe County.

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