SLIB BOX - Newsletter - 1st Quarter 2021

General Manager’s Message Genel Müdür Mesajı

Türkiye’deki Sevgili Ailem,

It is incredible how time flies. I have landed in Istanbul end of October last year and we already count nearly 7 months since then. I must admit that from all the endeavors that I had in the past 25 years of experience, this has been the most exciting time ever! You might want to ask why? It is simply that for any General Manager to take over such a beautiful luxurious hotel with an incredible team, is always overwhelming. I came at one of the most complicated time in our lives, the world is on its knees and one year of pandemic is heavy for all of us… but I found a committed, professional and most of all supportive Associates and Leaders whose only objective is to maintain our Asset, deliver the best services, achieve the goals and keep the amazing reputation of Shangri-La Istanbul. Well done! As we flip our calendars to yet another month and still facing the challenges of Covid-19, it’s no wonder that motivation, performance, and well-being are flagging for many. Months in, All of us managers need new tools to reenergize our teams, to accurately identify and diagnose recurring struggles, and to empathetically help our employees address their problems.

So what happened so far? We closed 2020 on a positive note with a successful New Year’s Eve Gala dinner and welcomed the new year with positive vibes. We started the year with an aggressive budget, but you all proved that Q1 is not difficult enough and we made the needed results. As you have seen, I organized departmental meetings with all of you as I wanted to hear directly from you, your suggestions, ideas and concerns. Some of you told me that I am always on the floor and in Operations. Yes I love it and it is the only way that I can support you, develop new ideas and be in the heart of the action which drives me stronger and better. I am not an office person  . As we started the holly month of Ramadan, we were advised with new restrictions which makes the Hoteliers frustrated as business slows down. But please don’t let this discourage you as I believe that we have been through tough times enough for us to maintain our energy and ambitions. I have no doubt that WE together can continue the great outcomes so far achieved and with the vaccines distributed in Turkey, our industry will see a serious improvement towards Q3.


Good luck, stay safe and as I always say .. SMILES!!!

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