King's Business - 1931-06

June 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

great theme. It proves that Christianity is life. It is not merely a code of ethics or a theory of revelation. Contact with Christ produces Christian experience. The book is clear, well balanced, thoroughly orthodox, and a real contribution to the literature about the great apostle. 313 pages. Cokesbury Press. Cloth. Price $2.75. •— o — Junior Worship with Programs, Songs, and Stories B y A da R ose D emerest The title describes the book. The ma­ terial is .carefully thought out, arranged, and printed. There are special programs for special days. It is expected that a full Bible lesson will be given in connection with each worship program. 240 pages. Standard Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. —o— The Ten Commandments: A Present- Day Interpretation B y J ohn A lexander H ayes The author shows, first of all, that these are the commandments of God, and that they are comprehensive and essential to the moral government of man. He then points out how they have become the basis of all human law that makes for moral­ ity. Finally, he shows that apart from the work of Christ, we are powerless to satisfy the demands of God’s law. 191 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.75. —o— If I Be Lifted U p : Thoughts About the Cross B y S amuel M. S hoemaker Mr. Shoemaker likens these sermons to unfinished radii, all pointing toward the cross. His own experience of “high moments of intense and amazed wonder at the cross” has given him the basis for these addresses. Theyv constitute a plea for the Christian to yield to the Master who hung on the cross, and to surrender to all the implications which that cross should have in the believer’s life. 179 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. —o— Life Radiant B y C anon F. J. H orsefield The theme of the book is contained in the scripture: “They' looked unto him and were radiant.” Such a subject calls out the very highest in devotional thought. The chapter headings are significant. They represent the life as radiant, sur­ rendered, Spirit-filled, glorifying Christ, care-free, abiding on the heights, handed over to the Lord, serving and satisfied. Little would seem to remain of things to be desired in the life of the ideal Chris­ tian. 107 pages. Marshall Bros. Cloth. Price $1.25. —o— The Glorious Names of Jesus B y A mos R. W ells Many themes have invited the skill of Dr. Wells’ gifted pen, but no more wor­ thy one than the subject of this book. With rare insight has he given the spirit­ ual significance of the precious titles as­ signed to Jesus. The first five of these titles a re : The Saviour, The Good Shep­ herd, The Prince of Peace, The Son of Man, The Door. This is a choice book on a choice theme by a worthy writer. 64 pages. Revell Co. Paper. Price 60 cents.

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I W h a i to P u r ch a se a t B io la B ook B oom H----— --------------------------------I ------- |----------—------------- !-------B

Beacon Lights of Prophecy B y C onrad E. L indberg

The Geological-Ages Hoax B y G eorge M c C ready P rice

This “plea for logic in theoretical geol­ ogy,” written by a veteran geologist, is the latest and therefore the most mature of his works. It is written in popular lan­ guage, that is, in so far as the subject matter can be couched in such terms. Dr. Price’s other books have been unan­ swered by the evolutionary geologists, and this latest challenge of the dogma of evo­ lution would seem to remove the last logical foundation upon which the dogma is based. The appeal is to inexorable facts, not to tradition or supposed historical se­ quence, and the conclusions seem inevit­ able. This readable volume should be studied alike by the trained and the un­ trained in the subject of scientific re­ search. 126 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. — o — Christianity and Communism B y N. I. S aloff -A stakhoff During nine years of the revolution in Russia, the author preached the gospel there. His knowledge of conditions is gained from first-hand experience. He shows that the spirit of Communism is the spirit of Antichrist, and that it is the determination of its devotees to destroy every vestige of faith. The communistic attitude is clearly stated: “There is no room on this earth for you believers, and we will soon send you to your God. The earth and all that there is therein is ours.” In Russia, there is every conceivable form of torture of the believer in Christ, often resulting in death. Espionage is universal, and whatever is counted contra­ revolutionary is punishable with death. 59 pages. Published by the author, 164 Second Ave., New York, N. Y. Paper. Price 35 cents. — o — Lives and Legends of Apostles and Evangelists B y M yrtle S trode -J ackson This volume, handsome and dignified in both its outward appearance and in its contents, enters a field where much re­ search is necessary if trustworthy ma­ terial is to be found. This research has been given, and the author has presented the facts in a readable and informing way. The light falls upon a dozen or more of the names made familiar to the church by the Scriptures. A few choice illustrations adorn the book. 203 pages. Religious Tract Society, Manchester, Eng­ land. Cloth. Price $3.00. — o — The Religious Experience of St. Paul B y J. E rnest R attenbury This experience of the great apostle is viewed not merely from the psychological and theoretical standpoints, but also from the point of view of the practical man— the Philippian jailer, for instance. The vol­ ume is a masterful presentation of a

This is a posthumous volume from the pen of the late dean of Augustana Theo­ logical Seminary, Dr. Conrad E. Lind­ berg. It reveals the fact that he- was a genuine scholar and a clear, logical think­ er. He begins with brief introductory notes to refute the arguments of modern critics against the genuineness of Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation. Then he dis­ cusses the subject of the coming of Christ in general terms from the viewpoint of both the Old and the New Testaments. The distinction between remote, less re­ mote, nearer, and nearest signs of His coming is very finely stated. The main portion of the book is occupied with in­ terpretations of the beacon lights of prophecy, particularly in Daniel, Zech­ ariah, the eschatological passages in the Gospels and Pauline Epistles, and the Revelation. Dr. Lindberg accepted in the main the position of the futurist school of proph­ etic students, but he did not always fol­ low the beaten track. Whether one agrees with him wholly or not, the book will prove to be of great interest to the con­ scientious, careful student. It is undoubt­ edly one of the best books of its type that has appeared in recent years. 256 pages. Augustana Book Concern, Rock Island, 111. Cloth. Price $1.50. This is a book of deep and devotional spirit, showing that the only proper place of residence for a soul that is eager to serve is in a place of conscious nearness to the King. “They dwelt with the king for his work.” Growing out of this thought the writer shows that there are many other precious truths which enrich the life of the worker. Some of the chap­ ter headings are: The Worker on the King’s Business, His Royal Priesthood, His Character and Reward, His Motive, His Divine Cooperator. 99 pages. Mar­ shall, Morgan & Scott. Cloth. Price $1.25. — o — Workers Together: A Study of Christian Partnership B y F rederick A. A gar and H arry S. M yers The authors are specialists in the de­ partment of Christian stewardship. The chapters of their book discuss Christian partnership, discipleship, larger relation­ ships, kingdom aspects, leadership, etc. God’s claims upon His people are clearly stated, and the obligations of church members are stressed. The work of the church is shown to be a divine enterprise in which each member has a distinct re­ sponsibility. 96 pages. Revell Co. Cloth, Price $1.00. ■— o — The Life of Service B y C anon F. J. H orsefield

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