King's Business - 1931-06

June 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

flew far up into the air and presently be­ came unsteady and reeled in its flight. First one wing dropped and then the oth­ er; presently, with accelerated speed, the poor bird fell rapidly to the ground. The shepherd was curious to know the secret of its fall. He saw that where the eagle lighted last on a cliff, a little serpent had fastened itself upon him; and as the ser­ pent gnawed in farther and farther, the eagle in its agony reeled in the air. When the serpent touched its heart, the eagle fell. Have you never seen a man or wo­ man, in the church or in society, rising and rising . . . but by and by growing un­ steady . . . and at last falling to the earth ? That neglect of prayer, that secret dis­ honesty in business . . . that secret tam­ pering with unbelief and error—that was the serpent at the heart that brought the eagle down.— Thomas Cuyler. —o—■ June 25— “That day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced; for God had made them rejoice with great joy" (Neh. 12: 43). Faith is the key of happiness; use it at the gates of the Lord’s house, and chambers of bliss shall open to you. If your religion admits you only into vaults and dungeons, it must be very incomplete. Christ comes from ivory palaces and leads His chosen into banqueting houses. — Spurgeon’s Notes. June 26— “We will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the Lord’’ (Psa. 115 :18). Praise is the highest function that any creature can discharge. The rabbis . . . say that there are two kinds of angels, the angels of service and the angels of praise, of which two orders the latter is the higher; and that no angel in it praises God twice, but having lifted up his voice in the psalm of heaven, he then ceases to be. He has perfected his being, he has reached the height of his great­ ness, he has done what he was made f or ; let him fade away. The garb of legend is mean enough, but the thought it em­ bodies is that ever true and solemn one, without which life is naught: “Man’s chief end is to glorify God.” —Alexander Maclaren. The betrayal of Jesus by Judas was not a single act. It came to its climax in the kiss given in the garden. But it was a series of thoughts, resolves, decisions. All of them were known to Jesus . . . It is always in a dark night of betrayal that grace finds its widest opportunity. It was in the night, when Israel came out of Egypt and stood with bitter murmurings and angry thoughts of God and threats against His rule, that He wrought His great deliverance in the sea. Never did night and darkness fall on God’s people, and rebellion and treachery fill their hearts, and deeds of evil fill their hands, but there was God, even though angry, still patient, longsuffering, entreating, re­ deeming, doing some incredible deed of grace. _ And never have you and I come to a night when we have betrayed purity and truth and love, but there has been June 27— “The Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed’’ (1 Cor 11:23).

SAFE IN COM E FO R LIFE M rs.B .E .M . o f New York

Happy Christian Annuitants

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V i F or ™ f e t i

p i Pie, tion oi underst« ¡ AM ER ICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, A stor PL, N . Y . l ase send me your booklet No. 9KB giving full informa­ ti n the annuity plan o f the American Bible Society. It is erstood that this request places me under no obligation.


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