King's Business - 1931-06

June 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


“The trifles of our daily lives, The common things scarce worth recall, Whereof no visible trace survives— These are the mainsprings after all.” — J. Gregory Mantle. ' —O— July 1— “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart” (Psa. 9:1). When we bless God for mercies, we prolong them; and when we bless Him for miseries, we usually end them. When we reach to praise, we have compassed the design of a dispensation and have reaped the harvest of it. Praise is a soul in flower . . . Praise is the honey of life, which a devout heart sucks from every bloom of providence and grace. As well be dead as be without praise; it is the crown of life.— Selected. —o—1 July 2— “The trial of your faith, being much more precious than o f gold that perisheth” (1 Pet. 1:7). In the Pyrenees there was a tremendous fire which swept over one hundred fifty miles and burned up vineyards, olive- yards, and dwellings, but which was the means of revealing rocks and exposing great veins of precious metal. And there is many a fire that has swept over the child of God, which only reveals new wealth, riches, and precious ore that he knew nothing of before the trial. — A. T. Pierson. — o — July 3— “And the Lord said unto Josh­ ua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? . . . Up, sanctify the peo­ ple” (Josh. 7:10, 13). Strange as it may seem, there is a time not to pray. That is when it is time to act. “Get thee u p ; wherefore liest thou upon thy face?” was God’s command to Joshua when he was praying to Him for guidance and help. What! not pray ? No, not when it is time to act. For as God’s intended way of progression for man was walking on two feet, first the one foot, then the other, even so it is in spiritual things. We must ask and then take, ask and then take, and so we shall advance joyfully and continuously in the normal appointed way.— Northcote Deck. —o— July 4—“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet” (Psa. 119:105). If we abide with the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on pros­ pering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and auth­ ority, no man can tell how sudden a ca­ tastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity. —Daniel Webster. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come; Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home: Beneath the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defense is sure. —Isaac Watts. • “Q-- July 5— “Jesus said unto him, it is writ­ ten" (Matt. 4:7). Christ is our example in all things. Here we see how He met the tempter so

God and His grace. Sometimes in some dear one’s face and unexpectedly gentle word, sometimes in some surprise of His providence, sometimes in some word of rebuke whose inner meaning we alone knew, God’s grace has sought to stem the course of our sin.—W. M. Clow. June 28— “For the love of Christ con- straineth us” (2 Cor. 5:14). Good works are the outgrowth of faith, as the stalk grows from the seed, or the flower from the bud. He who accepts Christ as his Saviour is bound to serve Him by the constraint Of love. “I would not work my soul to save, For that my Lord hath done; But I would work like any slave For love of God’s dear Son.” —David James Burrell. Meditation must be real. It must be “the meditation of my heart” (Psa. 49: 3). The “heart” in Scripture means the center of the moral being, including the intellect, the emotions, and the will. It implies that we come to the Word to be searched thoroughly, guided definitely, and strengthened effectually. It is not a time for dreamy, vague imaginings, but for living, actual blessing, whether in the form of guidance, warning, comfort, or counsel . . . It is to be noted that the word “meditate,” in our English version, represents two Hebrew words—one mean­ ing “to muse” or “to think,” and the other implying “speech” or “audible thinking” (see Psa. 5:1). These two elements should always be blended—thinking over the Word, its meaning, its application, its message; and then talking to God about it, in confession of past failures, in prayer for future blessing, in fellowship in pres­ ent joys or needs. Thus will meditation become so practical, so vital, so blessed that we shall find in it our chief joy and our indispensable daily power for service. —W. H. Griffith Thomas. *—O-- ' June 30— “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much (Lk. 16:10). Nothing is more necessary in this age, especially for those who are endeavoring to walk in the highway of holiness, than careful avoidance of those inaccuracies which mar a character otherwise admir­ able and beautiful. It is not so much by sins that imperil their eternal safety that Christian people are unfitted for the high­ est forms of Christian service, but by failure to walk “step by step by the Spirit” in the minutiae of the daily life. Making a high profession, let us not fail to have a correspo’nding high standard of exactitude in all things, especially in mat­ ters generally regarded as trifling and un­ important. The holiness required by God and man is one that cannot be too prac­ tical ; and the more exact our Christian life, the more clearly will it be seen that the holiness He commands is not a dreamy, sentimental thing, something for song and speech only, but a blessed reali­ ty, something which ennobles and sanc­ tifies the meanest and most trivial duties of daily life. June 29— "In his law doth he meditate day and night” (Psa.l:2).

FINANCING THE CHURCH T he Success C hurch F in a n c e Co., C in­ c in n a ti, Ohio, S ta tio n R. M a n u fac tu res a n a dm irab le co llectio n sy stem . I t saves m oney. T h e co st is re aso n a b le. W r i te t o H . H . TATE M, S e c r e t a r y . DAISY FLY KILLER Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and ]rilla all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and

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FILL OUT - - - MAIL TODAY Correspondence School Bible Institute of L. A., So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Please send descriptive bulletin of Bible courses by mail to: Name..... .................................................... ..... Address............................ ............I.................... S E N D TW O D I M E S T o th e M. J. WHITE STUDIO 370 So. Fremont Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. And Receive FIVE BEAUTIFUL MOTTOES That will net you 3Oc profit when sold for 10c each. DISTRICT AGENTS WANTED.

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