King's Business - 1931-06

June 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


little children, these things write 1 unto you, that ye sirt not*9 (1 John 1:4; 2:1). The joy of summer will not last; the joy of riches will not abide; the joy of youth refuses to tarry; but the joy of Jesus stays on—and it is the only joy that stays . . . Sin is the great kill-joy _ in the world. Sin pierced the peace of heaven with pain. No wonder it causes us heartache and grief and vexation! So John reasons: “If you want to be glad, you have, first of all, got to be good.” Sin always kills something. Oh, the damage of a single sin! What hap­ piness it slays! “These things write I unto you, that ye sin not.” —John MacBeath. A man that is destitute knows how to pray. He needs not any instructor. His miseries indoctrinate him wonderfully in the art of offering prayer. Let us know ourselves destitute, that we may know how to pray—destitute of strength, of wisdom, of due influence, of true happi­ ness, of proper faith, of thorough conse­ cration, of the knowledge of the Scrip­ tures, of righteousness. These words in­ troduce and stand in immediate connec­ tion with a prophecy of glorious things to be witnessed in the latter times. We profess to be eager for the accomplish­ ment of those marvelous things; but are we offering the prayer of the destitute? —George Bowen. July 13— “I f we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us” (1 John 5:14). There is no other possible way of get­ ting into God’s love and blessing in prayer than by getting into His will. In prayer, Give yourself up absolutely to the blessed will of God; this will avail more than much asking . . . Let your prayer be in­ deed a “morning sacrifice,” a placing of yourself as a whole burnt offering on the altar of the Lord. We need to be still— to wait and hear what response God gives. This is the office of the Holy Spir­ it: to be the voice of God to us. In the hidden depths of the heart, He can give a secret but most certain assurance that we are heard, that we are well-pleasing, that the Father engages to do for us what we have asked. What we need, to^ hear the voice, to receive this assurance, is the quiet stillness that waits on God, the quiet faith that trusts in God, the quiet heart that bows in nothingness and hu­ mility before God and allows Him to be all in all.— Andrew Murray. —o— July 14 —“The angel of the Lord said . . . submit thyself” (Gen. 16:9). The Lord has never guaranteed to His people that they will be free from hard­ ship or suffering—far from it . . . But when there is submission of heart and life and will, He undertakes, and ^the ' promise is ever true and unfailing: “All things work together for good to them that love God.” “Ill that God blesses is our good, And unblessed good is ill. And all is right that seems most wrong, If it be His swfeet will.” —H. W. Hinde. . July 12— “He will regard the prayer of the destitute” (Psa. 102:17).

The Shadduck Books If Bussellites work In your community, "Seven Thunders" will prove the most ef­ fective antidote ever printed. I t offers pho­ tographic evidences that will convince all except those who refuse to think. It is one book the "Dawn" people will not attempt to answer. , . If there is a teacher or preacher in your neighborhood who rejects parts of the B i­ ble, "Gee-Haw" will make more trouble for him than any 20 cents worth of paper and ink you ever read. "The Bible Den­ tist" (one o f ' 11 cartoons) is worth the price of the book. We have 5 other books—"Jocko-Homo Heaven-Bound," "Puddle to Paradise," "Toadstool among the Tombs," "Alibi, Lullaby, By-by," and "Rastus Agustus. The last a dialog in Negro dialect. Each book 20c postpaid. If order amounts to $1.00, we give "When Snakes Began to Nurse Their Young" (8 pages) and "Cous­ in's Day at the Zoo" (8 pages). HOMO PUB. CO., ROGERS, OHIO

Eaten b y Cannibals a w ork at Kwato. Read this fascinating, thrilling romance of one ot the m ost remarkable m issionary enterprises in the world m th e May issue ot 1HC. EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN. Send 50 cents for 3 months trial subscription. Sub­ scription price: $2.00 per year, anywhere. Sample copy free. The Evangelical Christian 366 Bay St., Toronto 2. Canada AN ASSURED INCOME f o r LIFE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE ANN U ITY AG R EEM EN T ISSUED BY Am er ican Sunday -S ch oo l U n ion In c o rp o ra te d u n d e r th e law s of th e S ta te of P e n n sy lv a n ia While you still have the opportunity ASSURE Yourself—(during your life) a definite financial return through an investment having the greatest possible safety. O t h e r s — (after your death) an open door of opportunity, through Union Sunday- schools and evangelical Christian literature, by which otherwise unreached boys and girls of rural America may enter useful lives of Christian service. For information about this form o f investment, and income to be derived therefrom, address AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION JOHN H. TALLEY , T re a su re r 1816 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA.

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