King's Business - 1931-06

“Christ Life,” A Valued Periodical The article by Canon F. E. Howitt, “Does the United States Appear in Prophecy?” which appeared in the April and May numbers of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , was taken from Christ Life, a devotional, victorious life magazine edited by Howard A. Banks and published at 423 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa., The subscription price is $1.00 a year. The courtesy of the editor in allowing this reprinting is greatly appreciated. Saviour as Well as Example Dr. Joseph Parker, on one occasion, referred to the Uni­ tarian conception of Jesus as a great Example only, and then went on to say: “We have been to hear Paderewski play. It was wonderful, superb, magnificent. Then we went home and looked at the piano. We would have sold it to the first man who would have been fool enough to buy it. That is thé effect of your great examples upon us. I want not only a great Ex­ ample, but a,, great Saviour, One who can.deliver me from my weakness and my sin.” To follow a good example in the future will not blot out the black record of the past : we need the blood of Christ’s atoning sacrifice to accomplish that. Another thing: to hear a Paderewski play will not make us play like a Paderewski. Could a Paderewski incarnate himself within one, he could play like himself. So the Christian life is not Christ and me, but Christ in me. We need the Christ within to live the Christ without.—S Prophetic News. The Unknown God ( ?) T HE people of Athens were so anxious to erect altars to every God that, for fear of missing any, they erected an altar to “The Unknown God.”

When Paul noticed this he found the opportunity of preach­ ing a sermon to them about the “Unknown God” whom they were ignorantly worshiping. In all probability, we would be very indignant if anyone should suggest that our God was an unknown God to us. And yet if the truth were told, it is a fact. There are different ways of knowing people. For instance, we may truthfully say that we know one whom we have met only once or twice. But what is that knowing compared to the way in which we know our par­ ents, or our dearest and most intimate friends? Many of us know comparatively little about the love and care and watchful­ ness of God and His interest in the tiniest details of our life. He really is an unknown God to many of those who profess to be His children. And why is it? Simply because we are so busy with other things that we do not take time to get acquainted with God. We are so, busy keeping engagements with others that we have no time to keep our engagements with Him. Acquaintance with God means communication with Him. Any one who has a large circle of acquaintances knows that, if we cease to hold any communication with them, we soon find the acquaintance ceases. Yet we expect to keep acquainted with God without taking even fifteen minutes a day to hold com­ munication with Him. We spend a great deal of time in reading the newspapers and books (good in their place), but we spend only a trifling portion of our time in reading the Bible, which reveals God to us as no other book can. We may as well be honest and admit that in countless ways God is unknown to us; that is the reason of our joyless lives which lack power. We should be able to say with Phillips Brooks, “He knows me and I know Him.”— E. D. Hooey.

Christian Faith and Life A departmental monthly magazine which seeks to give expression to the Christian point of view concerning all the varied opinions and manifold interests of modern life. Its fundamental conviction is that truth belongs to man in his total nature—moral, spiritual, rational, personal; and that mere intellect can never attain it. Its fundamental faith is that the Bible is God’s supernatural redemptive self-disclo­ sure, crowned in Jesus-Messiah, His Eternal Son. Editors for its various departments are: EDITORIAL— Dr. Harold Paul Sloan, Dr. G eorge H . N eal, Dr. Leander S. K eyser, Dr. A . Z. Conrad. CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE— Bishop H . M. DuBose. CURRENT SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES— P rofessor G eorge McCready Price, A.M. THE CHURCH IN EUROPE— Dr. Frederick Hasskarl. FOR YOUR SCRAP BOOK— Rev. A . W allace Copper, A .B . YOUNG PEOPLE’S DEPARTMENT— Rev. Harold John O ckenga. LIBRARY TABLE— Reviews of R ecent Books— Dr. Leander S. K eyser. Theologians, educators, scientists, church leaders, m inisters, laym en and layw om en of every continent are D ean G eorge E. Walk: It is an evangel of righteousness, unafraid, a clarion call to a deeper spiritual life. Professor H . W . Magoun, Ph.D .: Scholarly but not technical, popular but not shallow , vigorous but not em o­ tional, it has in every number food for hungry souls and tonic for feeble knees. W. M. Cox, Esq.: It is a m ighty champion of the faith. I read it w ith great pleasure and profit. Dr. L. H . Jam ison: It is the best I take and I take several of the best in the world. SPECIAL— If you have not seen a copy of Christian Faith and Life enclose 10c— half price— and w e will mail you a copy. SPECIAL— We w ill send you five back numbers free w ith a year’s subscription— this gives you seventeen numbers for the price of tw elve. Price $ 2 .0 0 the year. Canada $2.25, F o reig n $ 2 .3 5 . Single Copies 20 Cents Christian Faith and Life, Reading, Pa. listed am ong its readers and comm enders. Read what a few of them say: Bishop W. A . Candler: Is ably edited and is adm irable in its teachings.

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