King's Business - 1931-06


June 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Old Rome Revives Daniel 7 :23, 24; Revelation 13 : 1-3

his “quaint” idea of a Jewish national home. In fact, a quiet campaign is on, urging Great Britain to transfer her mandate over Palestine to Rome. Italy is more than willing ! Mussolini sees a possible opportunity to secure a place to locate some of his ever-increasing surplus of Italians. It will come! Daniel informs us that it is not London, but Rome that is to enter into a seven-year agreement “with many” Jews. Gradually, all things shape them­ selves according to the Scripture that “cannot be broken.” T O those who recall the history of the World War, the name of the German general, Ludendorff, is quite familiar. This famous old warrior has written a book, A World War Menaces Us, which is creating tremendous sensation throughout Europe. His visions of the near future for the unhappy peoples of that unhappy continent are anything but reassuring. He paints pictures of the depopulated nations, showing whole populations wiped out of existence, and others in their death throes. Vic­ tors and vanquished alike die in the agonies brought through a hell of shell, fire, deadly gases, plague, and 'famine.. As if already in that awful hell, he writes: “Governments have collapsed; or, indeed, if they are still in existence, can exercise neither authority nor force. There is no possibility of concluding peace!” Thus does one of the world’s greatest military minds, standing sur­ rounded by all the boasted progress of unregenerate man, confess man’s miserable failure in government. But, failure in human government always has been the out­ standing sign of the end of an age. Verily, men’s hearts are “failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth” (Lk. 21:26)— a sure indication given us by the Master Himself “that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Lk. 21:31). But, if General Ludendorff is not wholly astray in his thinking, what are we to think of those who have scoffed at the devout students of prophecy who long have taught a literal interpretation of the plagues written within the book of the Revelation, when whole popula­ tions shall be swept in a day into the gaping throats of “Death and Hell” (Rev. 6:8) ? And-S-mark well the statement—in that awful catas­ trophe when men “shall betray one another, and shall hate one another” (Matt. 24:10), “there is no possibility of concluding peace!” It is the picture of a world wholly gone over into the hell of most godless and pitiless an­ archy! Such a condition can only bring forth a giant dictator—-the only hope (?) of a Christless world. For the hope of the salvation of man’s cosmos, the world will literally worship him and “cause that as many as would not worship . . . should be killed” (Rev. 13:15). But vain will be their hope! They only ride on to the awful day when “blood . . . unto the horses’ bridles” (Rev. 14:20) shall gush-forth in “the winepress.” “Unto th e End—War” Daniel 9:26

OME,” says Signor Mussolini, “is a universal city, dear to the whole world. It has taught and will teach law to the whole world. It is destiny that Rome again takes her place as the city which shall be the directress of the civili­ zation of all western Europe. Let us make out of Italy a nation without which it is impossible to conceive the future history of humanity.”-— Britannia, Dec. 7, 1928. Berlin informs us that the latest photograph of Mus­ solini shows the Duce buried in the “archaeological dig­ gings” of old Rome. “Within five years,” says the famous dictator, “Rome must appear as a marvel to all the world—vast, ordered, and powerful, as it was in the time of the first Empire of Augustus.” Reliable witnesses from Italy are inform­ ing us that any one in Italy who lacks Latinity is likely to be looked upon with suspicion. It is well known that the Fascist salute comes from old Rome. “Fascism,” as the London Times has said, “is an attempt”—proving surprisingly successful—“to turn Italians into Romans.” We are informed tha t: “Even the hotels and inns evince an ancient Roman spirit of which old Rome is now the center. The new mood is manifest in the class­ ical Latinity of the placards and signs. The Castello dei Cesari on the Aventine, universally known for its glorious view, calls itself now Taverna ad Castrum Caesarum. Its tempting bill of fare offers its guests pullum, piscem, et pernam. This means, if you please, chicken, fish, and ham. Famous hotels glorify themselves as Aedes primi Ordinis frequentatae ab Cardinalibus et Praelatis. They refer to their modernized conveniences as amplia cubicula cum singulis balneis. Even the barber’s sign makes con­ cessions to the rush for Latinity: Comae barbaeque ton- sor et magister manibus curandis. Sufficient evidence this, that even the everyday details of life are noted in class­ ically accurate forms of expression. Thus they derive a fresh consecration besides giving proof of the swiftly progressive Latinization of Italy.” All of this is intensely interesting to the student of prophecy. As the language of Abraham returns to the streets of Jerusalem (Zeph. 3:9), the language of Caesar returns to the streets of Rome. As the bones of the house of David begin to shake and come together, “bone to his bone” (Ezek. 37:7), so the bones of the house of Caesar begin to shake unto resurrection. See Revelation 13:3. Jerusalem and Rome—watch those two cities! Revival, and then the last awful struggle! The victory belongs to David!


Pa lestine—To Italy? Daniel 9:27

B RITISHERS of note and influence are complaining that Great Britian is still spending their tax money in Palestine,.all because Lord Balfour tried to develop

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