How the Oregon ® Guide Bar Part Numbering System Works Oregon guide bar part numbers are printed on the bar package and etched on the bar body. Here’s what each digit means:
PowerCut ™
18 0 RN D K095
Sprocket Nose Codes Pitch
Bar Mounts
Tooth Count
Guide Bar Codes
Length (in.)
Gauge (in.)
A041 A061 A074 A089 A095 A218 A318 D009 D024 D025 D033 D096 D176 D196 E031 K041 K095 K216 Z095 Intenz ® T041 T095
SpeedCut ™
A = 1/4" B = .325" D = 3/8" E = 3/8" F = .404" G = .325" H = 3/8" N = .325
10 10 or 12 9 or 11 7 or 9
8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 36 37 42
4 = .043" 0 = .050" 8 = .058" 3 = .063"
TXL = SpeedCut
10 12 11
VersaCut ™ VXL = VersaCut
ControlCut ™
Solid Nose Code
PXL = ControlCut
Medium (1.33") Large (1.65")
SpeedCut ™ Nano TXL = SpeedCut Nano
PowerCut ™ RN = Replaceable sprocket-nose
DuraCut ™ AT = Solid nose, laser welded tip with wear-resistant alloy
T218 T318
AdvanceCut ™ SX = Sprocket-nose PX = Sprocket-nose GD = Sprocket-nose with Guard Mate holes ML = Narrow kerf sprocket-nose SF = Sprocket-nose Single Rivet SD = Sprocket-nose DG = Sprocket-nose with Guard Mate holes ML = Narrow kerf sprocket-nose
+ In a few cases, where two bars would have the same length in their part numbers but different drive link counts, the letter Z will be used in the bar mount description to distinguish between them (K095 and Z095 for example).
+ PowerCut solid body bars may be stamped with XXX, ZZZ or other letters as they can have different noses installed on the body, thereby changing the part number.
+ C hainsaws originally equipped with an Intenz ® bar, and saws adapted to take an Intenz ® bar, do not have a “bar adjustment pin” for tensioning the chain. Use ONLY an Intenz bar when replacing the guide bar on these saws.
+ Guard Mate holes are built into the noses of certain types of Oregon bars and allow the attachment of a Guard Mate tip guard to help reduce the risk of kickback. + Oregon Sculptor ™ carving bar part numbers do not follow the Oregon bar part numbering system.
TechnicalServices@OregonProducts.com 1.800.223.5168
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