Exmark Lazer Z & Turf Tracer 52", 60", & 72" Deck Mowers
No. Description Blades for 52" Decks with 5/8" Round Center Hole Part No. OEM No.
633482 633484
Standard-Lift, 18"
Mulching, 18"
96-344 596-344
Gator® G3™, 18" Gator G5™, 18"
396-726 Gator G6®, 18" Blades for 52" Decks with 15/16" Round Center Hole
103-6402-03 103-6392-03
Standard-Lift, 18"
Mulching, 18" Gator G3, 18" Gator G5, 18"
96-322 596-322
396-322 Gator G6, 18" Blades for 60" Decks with 5/8" Round Center Hole
Low-Lift, 20-1/2"
Bahia Blade, 20-1/2"
Standard-Notch Lift, 20-1/2" High-Notch Lift, 20-1/2"
Mulching, 20-1/2" Gator G3, 20-1/2" Gator G5, 20-1/2" Gator G6, 20-1/2"
96-319 596-319 396-740
Blades for 60" Decks with 15/16 " Round Center Hole
Bahia Blade, 20-1/2"
Standard-Notch Lift, 20-1/2"
103-6393 103-6398
Mulching, 20-1/2"
High-Notch Lift, 20-1/2"
96-749 596-749
Gator G3, 20-1/2" Gator G5, 20-1/2"
392-025 Gator G6, 20-1/2" Blades for 60" Triton Decks with 15/16 " Round Center Hole 1 492-730 103-8396 Blades for 66" Triton Decks with 15/16" Round Center Hole 1 492-732 109-6464-03 Blades for 72" Decks with 5/8" Round Center Hole 1 91-374 1-643006 High-Lift, 24-3/8" 392-201 392-203 Blades for 72" Decks with 15/16" Round Center Hole 1 92-057 Gator G6, 24-1/2" Blades for 72" Triton Decks with 15/16 " Round Center Hole 1 109-6465-03 Standard-Lift, 24-1/2" 392-057
Notch-Lift, Triton Decks, 20-3/4" Gator G6, Triton Decks, 20-3/4"
Notch-Lift, Triton Decks, 22-11/16" Gator G6, Triton Deck, 22-11/16"
Notch Lift, Triton Decks, 24-5/8"
Replacement Parts 2 78-011
633109 603805
Flat Idler Pulley V-Idler Pulley Anti-Scalp Wheel
3 4
72-311-1 603299
82-318 82-344
Spindle Assembly, Old Style, for 52", 60", & 72" Spindle Assembly, New Style, for 52" & 60"
103-1140 644092
Spindle Assembly, New Style, for 72"
45-220 75-188 75-960 75-186 75-967
303543 633173 633366 633127 643052
Spindle Bearing
Deck Drive Belt, for 52", 60", & 72", 5/8" x 111-1/4"
Deck Belt, for 52", 5/8" x 128-13/16" Deck Belt, for 60", 5/8" x 146-1/8" Deck Belt, for 72", 5/8" x 169-1/2"
TechnicalServices@OregonProducts.com 1.800.223.5168
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