G3 Engineered with the core Gator mulching features that make them a great choice for normal and abrasive conditions. + High-Lift + Gator ® Mulcher
G5 An optimum combination for a wide range of mower units. Features a high-lift contour as well as two additional, premium features to improve performance and retain blade sharpness. + High-Lift + Gator ® Mulcher + ExtendedCutting Length + Fusion ® Technology
G6 Heavy-duty blades designed for commercial applications and to withstand punishing conditions, while offering the full-range of features that make Gator series blades unique. + High-Lift + Gator ® Mulcher + ExtendedCutting Length + Fusion ® Technology + Thicker & Wider Steel Stock
STAY SHARP LONGER Fusion ® Technology Tungsten carbide is fused into our G5 and G6 blades during the manufacturing process — creating an ultra-hard layer at the cutting edge and increasing the time between sharpenings.
TechnicalServices@OregonProducts.com 1.800.223.5168
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