he thought he had got nailed and he was fuming. He wouldn’t say anything to me at the top of the hill as he thought he got caught. It was some buzz when they called the dead-heat. It is crazy to see a dead-heat, let alone two brothers doing it. I didn’t have a clue as we were so far apart, but James was certain that I had won it. We got a lot of attention after it and a lot of people were speaking about it. Things like this are good for the sport if it gets people watching it.” Having initially thought he had been chinned by his older brother, James, 23, was relieved to hear the outcome of a dead-heat awarded. James said: “The chances of dead-heating are slim and to be honest I thought I lost the race. It was quite a relief when it was called a dead-heat, but it was quite exciting to know that Sean was the other one as it would have been harder to share it with someone else.
younger brother James there was an inkling a career in the sport could materialise. James said: “I did enjoy any sport, but I wasn’t ever good enough to do anything else. I was into a game called G1 Jockey on my PlayStation. I was once champion jockey five times in one day, and I wouldn’t be the jockey I am today without that! We got into the ponies when our cousins came down and we then had a pony called Striker. We used to time ourselves who could go fastest around the round gallop on him. Sean would always beat me as he was stronger back then!” This season has already seen the pair create headlines at the track when becoming the first brothers to dead-heat in a race in the Triumph Hurdle Trial held at Cheltenham’s Christmas Meeting, something 27-year-old Sean was proud to play a part in. Sean added: “When we pulled up James said well done as
“It is crazy to see a dead-heat, let alone two brothers doing it”
10 The Festival Preview Magazine
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