Endnotes Continued
34. Ibid., p. 39. 35. Ibid., p. 40.
3 6 • I b-i d . , p • 40 •
37. Clements, letter from Chinese faculty at H.B.I. to Biola Board, March 21, 1935, pp. 262-65. 38. Keller, p. 41. 39. Hunan Property Deeds . 1912-24. (Photocopied, 1949 by Dr. Charles A. Roberts - now in Biola Archives, President's File), Deeds #1-20. 40. Ibid., Deeds 25-31. 41. Ibid., see notation, Deeds 21-14. 42. Henry, p. 36. 43. Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, Washing t,,o n , D. C. - 20 5 79 : " In the Mat t er of Bio 1 a Schoo 1 s and Co 11 e ges , " filed . 1968 .- - CBiola Archives, President's File). 44; F~~~onal interview with Dr. Charies A. ·Roberts; last ·-M . . superintendent of H.B.!. (1937-1952), July 1~84. 45 . . Personal interview with Dr. E.F. Harrison. 46. Sworn affidavit, State of California, Los Angeles County, by Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Sr., April 22, 1970. 47. Archival film footage now held by Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Jr., California State University, Long Beach department of physics. 48. R.3. Chen, Autobiography (unpublished), Shanghi, P.R.C., 1983, pp. 136-37. Dr. Ch~n received B.A. from Shanghi University, 1930; M.A. Sociology, University of Southern California, 1933; and, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1936. Now resides in Shanghi.
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