Endnotes Continued
116. Biola Public Relations Release from President Samuel H. Sutherland, May 16, 1961. 117. Iriterview, Joel Roberts (grandson of Dr. Roberts Sr.), upon his return from one year of teaching at the Emmanuel School. 118. Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, to Biola, 1969. 119. Ibid., 1970. 120. Affidavit, State of California, County of Los Angeles, April 20, 1970; photocopies of 20 separate deeds to H.B.I. property provided at Changsha 1917-1924. (Biola, President's File). 121. Let~er, S.A. Summers - Biola legal representative to W.W. Monagan ~r., Foreign Clai~s Settlement Commission, April 28, 1970. 122. Los Angeles Times article by William A. Eaton, March 2, 1979. "China, U.S. Agree on Settlement of Claims"; see subsequent articles of Linda ,Matthews, Los Angeles Times. 12 3 • I b ~ d • , May 1_ 5 , _ 1_ 9 7_ 9 • 1~~· G~emeqts, . _confidential report to Biola Board (undated 1950), pp. 241-42. Also see Roberts' affidavit, July 29, 1970. U.S. Claims Settlement Commission final report - approved at $962,000, January
6, 1971.
125. Payment receipts (President's File). 126 . Da 11 as W or l d , >1arch 23 , 1 9 79 , "Chinese to Re turn Money to
U.S. Religion Groups", p. 2.
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