Bibliography Continued
Allder, James R. (Vice President and Business Manager, Biola) Affidavit, L.A. County, State of California, April 14, 1970, re: Biola's ownership of Hunan Bible Institute - submitted -- - -- --- to Foreign Claims Commission. Roberts, Charles A. (last Superintendent of H.B.I.) Af~idavit, L.A. County, - State of California, April 22, 1970, re: Biola's ownership of H.B.I. submitted with photostated deeds of H.B.I. property. Translation made from Chineses to English by Mrs. Fr~nk · Keller (wife if H.B.I. 's first superi~tendent). Affidavit, L.A. County, State of California, April 22, -1970. Describes ·personal role- o-f · Roberts and -purchase of the property at H.B. I.; -in ad di ti on, a brief history of the enterprise up to the P.R.C. confiscation. Summers, S~nshine A. - (Biola's attorney). Letter to Mr. Walter E. Monagan, Jr., Director General Claims Division - Forei~n Claims Settlement Commission. Describes further proof-of H.B.I. ownership with deeds and affidavits, H.B.I. 1936 ·Yearbook, and photograph of p·roperty • ··-April 28, · 1970. - Foreign Claims ··settlement Commission of the United States in the matter of Biola Schools ar.d Colleges In~. Recognition of - - - - val~idi ty - of claim . to· H.B. I. under -Title -V. of International Settlement Act 9f 1949. Loss placed at $962,000.00. January 13, 1971. -(President's File). Summers, Sunshine (Biola legal department). Letter to Mr. Paul Schwepker ·- treasurer, January 21, 1971. Acknowledgement _ _ o~_Foreign Claims Settlement succes3, and doubt about ever ~-~--=--~ec:e-i vi-ng - ~-ny- -reparat. .ions... . .,..:...-t Pr~es iden t.... s.. ... F.±.le 1.--_ ..:: :..: · ·· ·· · · ... -: . '. . ~. - . ·::: _, Yarborou~~' Richard W. (Chai~man). ·Foreign Claims 5~£tlement Commission to United States to Sunshine Summers, July 2, 1979. Biola awarded specific monies from $80,500,000 based upon Claim No. C~-0428 under Title I of International Clai~s Settlement Act of 1949. Decision made May 11, 1979. (President's File). Chen, Ren Bing. Letter to Dr. Charles A. Roberts Jr., Shanghi, June 23, 1984. Discussion of autobiography. Letter to Dr. Lee, Shanghi, May 4, 1984. Reflection of the old days at H.B.I. and his father's work (Marc us Chen). R.B. discusses his own years of study at U.S.C. (M. A. Sociology, 1933 ) and University of Michigan (Ph.D., 193 6 ); desires to send his son to the United States to study.
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