Yearbook 1936: Hunan Bible Institute. Photographs of faculty and students, class of 1936-1938, printed text in Chinese and dedication by Chiang Kai Shek. (Donated by Janet Roberts).
Personal Interviews
Russ Allder, Pasadena, Ca.
Past Vice President and Treasurer, Biola. Visited H.B.I. at end of World War II. June 1984.
Dr. Everett F. Harrison, Pasadena, -Ca.
Former faculty at H.B.I., 1931-33. Taught Old Testament. Ph.D. Princeton and Chair of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, · Ca. Retired _1975. June 1984;
Professor William Ebeling, Buena Park, Ca. - - ··- · -
Last missionary faculty at H.B.I., 1948-52. Professor of Theology and New Testament at Biola University, 1952 until retirement 1975. June 1984.
Dr. Charles A. Roberts Sr., San Clemente, Ca. Superintendent of H.B.I., 1933 to 1952. On staff as business . manager since 1922. Superintendent of Biola in Hong Kong, 1952-62. Retired. and July 1984. -- ,~~- ---- ·-
~ . Dr. Char:-~~s .A. Rober~s . J~. ~ .. Lo~g Beach, Ca. _ ··:_ ~
Son of Superintendent Roberts. Born at H.B.I. ~upplied --- ~- --:--f .i 1 ms - and·--video - tape- -of H .--B-;-r~ -IT o-f esso r-- of Phy s-i cs , ._: Ca1 i for n i a -- -St ate .. -Univer s it y , Long Be a ch , 1 95 6 to pres en t . June 1 9 84 . - - Mr. Sunshine A. Summers, La Mirada, Ca. Biola's legal depart~ent. Provided documents re: P.R.C. reparation to Biola. Dr. Edward Norman, La Mirada, Ca. Dean: Colle~e of Arts, Letters, Sciences, and Professions, Biola University. _Provided complete access _to the President's File. Mr. Gerald L. Gooden, La ~'1irada, Ca. Librarian. Biola University. Provided access to Stewart Papers. Rose Memorial Library, Biola. ' '
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