Support Groups
Support groups are made up of people with common interests and experiences with members who can share experiences and advice. Sometimes the most helpful thing when dealing with issues is knowing that you are not alone. Support Groups Can Offer: • Emotional support • Exchange of information • Financial assistance and scholarships • Information about research • Coping skills • Reduce distress, depression, anxiety or fatigue • Parenting classes Connecting with Other Parents of Children with Disabilities 866-896-6001 or 512-458-8600 Staff are parents of kids with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and special health care needs. • Peer Parent Mentor Program 866-896-6001 • Parent Listservs 866-896-6001 • Parent Companion 866-896-6001 Texas Parent to Parent is a statewide non-profit created by parents for parents. As parents of children with a disability or a special health care need, we walk a unique and often lonely path. TxP2P Services are at no cost for families - FREE • Matching parents (via phone or email) to trained Peer Parent Mentors who have children with similar disabilities or issues • Available for families of children of all ages from babies who start in the NICU to young adults transitioning from school into life • Answering questions (phone or email) about issues related to special education services, insurance, transition, sibling issues, etcetera
If you prefer a one to one interaction with a caregiver who has experienced similar challenges, our Rehab Care Planner can work with you to make that connection. We are also able to help your child or your child’s siblings with similar interactions.
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