Patient and Parent Rights and Responsibilities
Welcome to Driscoll Children’s Hospital. Our goal is to inform you about your rights while receiving services and to offer exceptional medical care in a safe and caring environment. You and Your Child Have the Right to… • Receive medical care without regard to age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or source of payment. • Be given a copy of Patient Rights and Responsibilities. If you cannot read or understand them, someone will translate or explain them to you. Rights Related to Care • Make an Advance Directive if you are 18 years or older. This means you have the right to direct your healthcare decisions or choose someone to make decisions if you are unable to make your own decisions. • Know the names of the doctors, nurses and staff members who are providing care. • Receive complete information in a language you understand about your condition, tests, procedures, treatment options, possible risks, outcomes and requirements following your discharge. • Give your informed consent to treatment before a test or treatment. • Request a consultation or second opinion from another doctor. • Request a transfer to a different hospital if we cannot meet your needs for treatment or service. • Refuse consent for treatment or remove your child from the hospital, even when the doctor advises you not to, and be informed of the medical and legal consequences of this action. • Receive appropriate assessment and information about pain relief options and how you can participate in helping to manage pain. • Be free from restraints unless medically necessary. • Review your hospital bill. Receive an explanation of the charges and information about financial assistance that may be available. • Receive a copy of your Notice of Privacy Practice. • Receive consideration of your privacy concerning medical care and treatment, communication and record keeping. • Request to review and / or receive a copy of your medical record in accordance with hospital policy. Rights to Participate in Care • Participate in self care / bedside care as much as medically possible. • Make decisions about healthcare through discussion with your doctor and the healthcare team. • Voluntarily participate in available research studies or feel free to refuse to participate without compromising current or future care.
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