Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Texas Hands & Voices (TXHV) offers support, information and resources in an unbiased manner to families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing ( DHH)
Programs and Services Guide By Your Side – Texas GBYS provides individualized one-on-one family support FREE of charge. GBYS Guides are parents of children who are DHH or Deaf/HH Adults who have received special training preparing them to provide a strong foundation in supporting families without a bias towards communication modes or methods, as well as a functional understanding of formal systems and services available to families and their DHH children (birth -21). For more info: Advocacy Support and Training (ASTra) provide support to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) without a bias around communication mode, method, and educational setting so that every child who is D/HH has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. For more info: Services TXHV provides support statewide to parents and professionals including outreach events, retreats for moms, parent-to-parent networking, a resource website, Spanish & English Facebook pages, newsletters, webinars, workshops, trainings, resource sharing events on topics such as education, legislative updates, technology and more. Hands & Voices is a safe place to explore options, get unbiased support, learn from one another and share what we have in common.
The American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) is committed to empowering all families with deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth by embracing full language and communication access in inclusive environments through mentoring, advocacy, resources, and collaborative networks.
TXHV partners with many schools and organizations to bring more resources to our families. State Website National Website:
contact Texas Hands & Voices 14080 Nacogdoches Rd. #241
San Antonio, TX 78247 936-463-8948 (TXHV)
Support Groups in Texas PTexas Commision for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing-512-407-32500 V:512-407-3251 (TTY) Texas Commission for the Blind P.O Box 12866 Austin, TX 78756-3179 email: terrym
SPEECH and HEARING- TX Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1033 La Posada Drive, Suite 220 Austin, TX 78752-3880 512-452-4636
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