
Disability- Benefits/Grants


BEST- Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool Find the right Social Security benefits for you https://ssabest.benefits.gov/

BENEFITS.GOV Your Path to Government Benefits https://www.benefits.gov/categories

Office of Disability Employment Policy Your Path to Government Benefits https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas

Navigate Life Texas- For Families raising children with disabilities

Funding and Grants for Children with Disabilities https://www.navigatelifetexas.org/en/insurance-financial-help/funding-grants-for-children-with- disabilities Having a child with a disability or special health care needs can mean extra costs. This page has a list of different organizations that might be able to help. We found them by reaching out to other parents and researching online. Some places help only families who aren’t able to pay for certain things. Other places just want to help, no matter what your income.

Here are a few tips when applying for grants and funding:

Read the website or application carefully. Check if it’s a match for your needs and you understand the rules. That way you can save time and energy. Talk to your child’s doctor before applying. See if you’re asking for the best kind of equipment or service for your child’s needs. If you are picked for a grant, send a thank you letter. And maybe even pictures of your child or family. The organization might use these to get more money to help other families. Don’t give up if you aren’t picked at first. There are many ways to raise money. The lists below don’t include every organization that helps with things like transportation, prescriptions, granting wishes, or other funding. But, they’re a good place to start your search.

Please view website for more information. **See page 77 for Waiver Programs**

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