Education- Local Education Agency (LEA)
Driscoll Rehabilitation can help link parents / guardians to the educational resources their children need when transitioning into school and the community. The Texas Independent School Districts begins providing school programs for all children with disabilities starting at the age of 3 years. Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) provides services for children ages 3-5 years. Eligibility is determined after a screening is conducted by the child’s school district. In order for a child to qualify for services, the child must meet the following qualifications: 1. A child with a disability that is impacting his / her educational progress. 2. A child who has been identified as having a hearing or visual impairment is eligible for services regardless of age. 3. A child who has been referred by a parent, a teacher, a doctor or another professional. 4. The disabilities defined by the Texas Education Agency include: *Auditory Impairment *Orthopedic Impairment *Speech Impairment *Traumatic Brain Injury *Emotional Disturbance *Learning Disability *Intellectual Disability *Autism * Multiple Disabilities *Visual Impairment *Other Health Impairment special-education-for-parents.pdf
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