
Medicaid-Waiver Programs


Waiver Programs for Children with Disabilities

https://www.navigatelifetexas.org/en/insurance-financial-help/texas-medicaid-waiver-programs- for-children-with-disabilities Texas Medicaid waivers are a gateway to getting services for your child. We strongly suggest that you consider adding your child to the waiver interest list(s), which many parents call “waiting lists.” Even if you hope your child will never need those services, it is important that they be added to the interest list for any program(s) that might meet their needs. Your child might have to wait a long time to get services through the waiver. You can always decline the services once your child moves to the top of the list. Many parents say they wish they had signed up for the waiver interest lists when their child was born or first diagnosed. Some of the interest lists have more than a 15-year wait time. What Are Waivers and How Do They Work? Waivers let states use Medicaid funds for long-term home and community-based services for people with disabilities or special health care needs in order to help them live in the community. • Some of the services you can get with a waiver are: • Personal care for help with things like bathing or dressing • Nursing care • Home modifications like ramps • Car modifications • Respite care • Certain therapies They are named “waivers” because certain Medicaid requirements are waived (meaning they don’t apply). For example, family income. This is a huge help for children and adults who have complicated medical needs and no other health insurance. Texas has seven waivers. Waivers are managed by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS).The comparison of Texas Medicaid waiver programs chart gives you more details about what is needed for each of the waivers. How to Add Your Child to Interest Lists You do not have to prove your child is eligible before adding them to the waiver interest lists.

Texas Medicaid Waivers Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) STAR+PLUS Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Youth Empowerment Services (YES)

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